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Stepwise regression using p-values to drop variables with nonsignificant p-values

I want to perform a stepwise linear Regression using p-values as a selection criterion, e.g.: at each step dropping variables that have the highest i.e. the most insignificant p-values, stopping when all values are significant defined by some threshold alpha.

I am totally aware that I should use the AIC (e.g. command step or stepAIC) or some other criterion instead, but my boss has no grasp of statistics and insist on using p-values.

If necessary, I could program my own routine, but I am wondering if there is an already implemented version of this.

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DainisZ Avatar asked Sep 13 '10 14:09


People also ask

What if p-value is greater than 0.05 in regression?

The P-value The statistical test for this is called Hypothesis testing. A low P-value (< 0.05) means that the coefficient is likely not to equal zero. A high P-value (> 0.05) means that we cannot conclude that the explanatory variable affects the dependent variable (here: if Average_Pulse affects Calorie_Burnage).

What is p-value in stepwise regression?

A low value of p (usually < 0.05) suggests that the coefficient is not zero. This means that the coefficient most likely can be added to the model because it appears that changes in that predictor variable impacts the Y response. A high value of p suggests that the coefficient is zero.

What is p-value in backward elimination?

The first step in backward elimination is pretty simple, you just select a significance level, or select the P-value. Usually, in most cases, a 5% significance level is selected. This means the P-value will be 0.05. You can change this value depending on the project.

What if p-value is high in regression?

This variable is statistically significant and probably a worthwhile addition to your regression model. On the other hand, a p-value that is greater than the significance level indicates that there is insufficient evidence in your sample to conclude that a non-zero correlation exists.

2 Answers

Show your boss the following :

set.seed(100) x1 <- runif(100,0,1) x2 <- as.factor(sample(letters[1:3],100,replace=T))  y <- x1+x1*(x2=="a")+2*(x2=="b")+rnorm(100) summary(lm(y~x1*x2)) 

Which gives :

            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)     (Intercept)  -0.1525     0.3066  -0.498  0.61995     x1            1.8693     0.6045   3.092  0.00261 **  x2b           2.5149     0.4334   5.802 8.77e-08 *** x2c           0.3089     0.4475   0.690  0.49180     x1:x2b       -1.1239     0.8022  -1.401  0.16451     x1:x2c       -1.0497     0.7873  -1.333  0.18566     --- Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1  

Now, based on the p-values you would exclude which one? x2 is most significant and most non-significant at the same time.

Edit : To clarify : This exaxmple is not the best, as indicated in the comments. The procedure in Stata and SPSS is AFAIK also not based on the p-values of the T-test on the coefficients, but on the F-test after removal of one of the variables.

I have a function that does exactly that. This is a selection on "the p-value", but not of the T-test on the coefficients or on the anova results. Well, feel free to use it if it looks useful to you.

##################################### # Automated model selection # Author      : Joris Meys # version     : 0.2 # date        : 12/01/09 ##################################### #CHANGE LOG # 0.2   : check for empty scopevar vector #####################################  # Function has.interaction checks whether x is part of a term in terms # terms is a vector with names of terms from a model has.interaction <- function(x,terms){     out <- sapply(terms,function(i){         sum(1-(strsplit(x,":")[[1]] %in% strsplit(i,":")[[1]]))==0     })     return(sum(out)>0) }  # Function Model.select # model is the lm object of the full model # keep is a list of model terms to keep in the model at all times # sig gives the significance for removal of a variable. Can be 0.1 too (see SPSS) # verbose=T gives the F-tests, dropped var and resulting model after  model.select <- function(model,keep,sig=0.05,verbose=F){       counter=1       # check input       if(!is(model,"lm")) stop(paste(deparse(substitute(model)),"is not an lm object\n"))       # calculate scope for drop1 function       terms <- attr(model$terms,"term.labels")       if(missing(keep)){ # set scopevars to all terms           scopevars <- terms       } else{            # select the scopevars if keep is used           index <- match(keep,terms)           # check if all is specified correctly           if(sum(is.na(index))>0){               novar <- keep[is.na(index)]               warning(paste(                   c(novar,"cannot be found in the model",                   "\nThese terms are ignored in the model selection."),                   collapse=" "))               index <- as.vector(na.omit(index))           }           scopevars <- terms[-index]       }        # Backward model selection :         while(T){           # extract the test statistics from drop.           test <- drop1(model, scope=scopevars,test="F")            if(verbose){               cat("-------------STEP ",counter,"-------------\n",               "The drop statistics : \n")               print(test)           }            pval <- test[,dim(test)[2]]            names(pval) <- rownames(test)           pval <- sort(pval,decreasing=T)            if(sum(is.na(pval))>0) stop(paste("Model",               deparse(substitute(model)),"is invalid. Check if all coefficients are estimated."))            # check if all significant           if(pval[1]<sig) break # stops the loop if all remaining vars are sign.            # select var to drop           i=1           while(T){               dropvar <- names(pval)[i]               check.terms <- terms[-match(dropvar,terms)]               x <- has.interaction(dropvar,check.terms)               if(x){i=i+1;next} else {break}                         } # end while(T) drop var            if(pval[i]<sig) break # stops the loop if var to remove is significant            if(verbose){              cat("\n--------\nTerm dropped in step",counter,":",dropvar,"\n--------\n\n")                         }            #update terms, scopevars and model           scopevars <- scopevars[-match(dropvar,scopevars)]           terms <- terms[-match(dropvar,terms)]            formul <- as.formula(paste(".~.-",dropvar))           model <- update(model,formul)            if(length(scopevars)==0) {               warning("All variables are thrown out of the model.\n",               "No model could be specified.")               return()           }           counter=counter+1       } # end while(T) main loop       return(model) } 
like image 110
Joris Meys Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 20:10

Joris Meys

Why not try using the step() function specifying your testing method?

For example, for backward elimination, you type only a command:

step(FullModel, direction = "backward", test = "F") 

and for stepwise selection, simply:

step(FullModel, direction = "both", test = "F") 

This can display both the AIC values as well as the F and P values.

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leonie Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 19:10
