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Steps to create Cloud Dataflow template using the Python SDK

I have created Pipeline in Python using Apache Beam SDK, and Dataflow jobs are running perfectly from command-line.

Now, I'd like to run those jobs from UI. For that i have to create template file for my job. I found steps to create template in Java using maven.

But how do I do it using the Python SDK?

like image 536
Shilpa G Avatar asked Apr 13 '17 09:04

Shilpa G

1 Answers

Templates are available for creation in the Dataflow Python SDK since April of 2017. Here is the documentation.

To run a template, no SDK is needed (which is the main problem templates try to solve), so you can run them from the UI, REST API, or CL and here is how.

like image 113
María García Herrero Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 14:10

María García Herrero