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steps of creating webpage in bangla




Language Code is BN http://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_language_codes.asp?output=print

I have tried to create a page that will be in Bengali But as output I get something ???????????

here is what I have tried

   <!doctype html>
<html lang="bn">
<title > ডোমেইন সার্ভিস </title>


 ডোমেইন সার্ভিস


Would you please let me know the steps I will need to create a page in Bengli.

like image 335
Webb Ben Avatar asked Aug 10 '13 10:08

Webb Ben

1 Answers

The language code has nothing to do with the characters available to you. It is used for such things as screen reader pronunciation dictionary selection, search engine filtering and automated translation services.

To use the characters you want you need to:

  1. Save the document in a character encoding which supports the characters you want to use. In general, this should be UTF-8. How you do this depends on your choice of editor. If you do any server side programming then you need to ensure that you track what encoding your data is in and keep it in encodings that support the characters you need. Badly configured databases are a common way to break your encoding.
  2. Tell the browser what encoding you are using. This should be done via the Content-Type HTTP response header. (Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8). How you set this depend on which web server you are using and if you are doing any server side programming. You should, additionally, specify the encoding in the document itself via a meta element: <meta charset="utf-8">.
like image 120
Quentin Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 22:09
