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std::map, polymorphism and delete

I have a problem using a C++ map to store pointers to a base class and some derived class.

Let me explain by a rather long but simple code:

#include <map>
#include <iostream>

struct foo{ int dummy[4]; };
struct bar{ int additionnal[4]; };

class Base
    struct foo *_internal_structure;
    Base() { _internal_structure = new struct foo; }
        delete _internal_structure;
        std::cout << "Base DTOR\n";

class Derived: public Base
    struct bar *_additional_structure;
    Derived() { _additional_structure = new struct bar; }
        delete _additional_structure;
        std::cout << "Derived DTOR\n";

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    std::map<int, Base*> my_map;
    Base *to_add = new Base();
    Derived *derived_to_add = new Derived();
    my_map[1] = to_add;
    my_map[2] = derived_to_add; // works, derived class, but object gets sliced

    /// clear hash map ///
    std::map<int, Base*>::const_iterator iter;
    for(iter = my_map.begin(); iter != my_map.end(); ++iter)
        delete (*iter).second;

    return 0;

Result when run:


So, thing is, when I insert a Derived class pointer into my map, the underlying object is considered as a Base class; so the destructor called is the one of the Base class, and not the Derived class. Valgrind confirms me that I loose 16 bytes every time.

Also, I can't use Boost's shared_ptr (I saw some mentions of it here), and the embedded architecture I use doesn't support C++ exceptions and RTTI (which in my case, causes some unaligned accesses and other bad stuff)(edit: not related).

Do you know how I can fix this behavior?

like image 934
Gui13 Avatar asked Dec 01 '22 02:12


1 Answers

Where is your virtual destructor???!!!

Read this, and never forget. Really, you have just broken one of the 10 C++ commandments... :))

like image 197
Armen Tsirunyan Avatar answered Dec 04 '22 08:12

Armen Tsirunyan