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std::ifstream buffer caching

In my application I'm trying to merge sorted files (keeping them sorted of course), so I have to iterate through each element in both files to write the minimal to the third one. This works pretty much slow on big files, as far as I don't see any other choice (the iteration has to be done) I'm trying to optimize file loading. I can use some amount of RAM, which I can use for buffering. I mean instead of reading 4 bytes from both files every time I can read once something like 100Mb and work with that buffer after that, until there will be no element in buffer, then I'll refill the buffer again. But I guess ifstream is already doing that, will it give me more performance and is there any reason? If fstream does, maybe I can change size of that buffer?


My current code looks like that (pseudocode)

// this is done in loop
int i1 = input1.read_integer();
int i2 = input2.read_integer();
if (!input1.eof() && !input2.eof())
   if (i1 < i2)
   } else
} else {
   if (input1.eof())
   else if (input2.eof())

What I don't like here is

  • seek_back - I have to seek back to previous position as there is no way to peek 4 bytes
  • too much reading from file
  • if one of the streams is in EOF it still continues to check that stream instead of putting contents of another stream directly to output, but this is not a big issue, because chunk sizes are almost always equal.

Can you suggest improvement for that?


like image 901
ledokol Avatar asked Dec 29 '10 21:12


3 Answers

Without getting into the discussion on stream buffers, you can get rid of the seek_back and generally make the code much simpler by doing:

using namespace std;
merge(istream_iterator<int>(file1), istream_iterator<int>(),
           istream_iterator<int>(file2), istream_iterator<int>(),


Added binary capability

#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>

struct BinInt
    int value;
    operator int() const { return value; }
    friend std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& stream, BinInt& data)
        return stream.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&data.value),sizeof(int));

int main()
    std::ifstream   file1("f1.txt");
    std::ifstream   file2("f2.txt");

    std::merge(std::istream_iterator<BinInt>(file1), std::istream_iterator<BinInt>(),
               std::istream_iterator<BinInt>(file2), std::istream_iterator<BinInt>(),
like image 69
davka Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 14:10


In decreasing order of performance (best first):

  • memory-mapped I/O
  • OS-specific ReadFile or read calls.
  • fread into a large buffer
  • ifstream.read into a large buffer
  • ifstream and extractors
like image 3
Ben Voigt Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 15:10

Ben Voigt

A program like this should be I/O bound, meaning it should be spending at least 80% of it's time waiting for completion of reading or writing a buffer, and if the buffers are reasonably big, it should be keeping the disk heads busy. That's what you want.

Don't assume it is I/O bound, without proof. A way to prove it is by taking several stackshots. If it is, most of the samples will show the program waiting for I/O completion.

It is possible that it is not I/O bound, meaning you may find other things going on in some of the samples that you never expected. If so, then you know what to fix to speed it up. I have seen some code like this spending much more time than necessary in the merge loop, testing for end-of-file, getting data to compare, etc. for example.

like image 2
Mike Dunlavey Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 15:10

Mike Dunlavey