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std deque is surprisingly slow

I just find out that standard std deque is really slow when comparing with my "home-made" version of stack that use pre-allocated array.
This is code of my stack:

template <class T>
class FastStack
    T* st;
    int allocationSize;
    int lastIndex;

    FastStack(int stackSize);

    inline void resize(int newSize);
    inline void push(T x);
    inline void pop();
    inline T getAndRemove();
    inline T getLast();
    inline void clear();

template <class T>
    lastIndex = -1;
    st = NULL;

template <class T>
FastStack<T>::FastStack(int stackSize)
    st = NULL;
    this->allocationSize = stackSize;
    st = new T[stackSize];
    lastIndex = -1;

template <class T>
    delete [] st;

template <class T>
void FastStack<T>::clear()
    lastIndex = -1;

template <class T>
T FastStack<T>::getLast()
    return st[lastIndex];

template <class T>
T FastStack<T>::getAndRemove()
    return st[lastIndex--];

template <class T>
void FastStack<T>::pop()

template <class T>
void FastStack<T>::push(T x)
    st[++lastIndex] = x;

template <class T>
void FastStack<T>::resize(int newSize)
    if (st != NULL)
        delete [] st;
    st = new T[newSize];

I run this simple benchmark for deque:

std::deque<int> aStack;
int x;

HRTimer timer;

for (int i = 0; i < 2000000000; i++)
    x = aStack.back();
    if (i % 100 == 0 && i != 0)
        for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++)

double totalTime = timer.Stop();
stringstream ss;
ss << "std::deque " << totalTime;

Using std stack with vector as container (as 'Michael Kohne' suggested)

std::stack<int, std::vector<int>> bStack;
int x;

HRTimer timer;

for (int i = 0; i < 2000000000; i++)
    x = bStack.top();
    if (i % 100 == 0 && i != 0)
        for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++)

double totalTime = timer.Stop();
stringstream ss;
ss << "std::stack " << totalTime;

And the same one for my FastStack:

FastStack<int> fstack(200);
int x;

HRTimer timer;

for (int i = 0; i < 2000000000; i++)
    x = fstack.getLast();
    if (i % 100 == 0 && i != 0)
        for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++)

double totalTime = timer.Stop();
stringstream ss;
ss << "FastStack " << totalTime;

The results after 4 runs are as follows:
deque 15.529
deque 15.3756
deque 15.429
deque 15.4778

stack 6.19099
stack 6.1834
stack 6.19315
stack 6.19841

FastStack 3.01085
FastStack 2.9934
FastStack 3.02536
FastStack 3.00937

The results are in seconds and I was running the code on Intel i5 3570k (on default clock). I used VS2010 compiler with all optimizations that are available. I know that my FastStack has a lot of limitations but there are plenty situations, where it could be used and when it can give nice boost! (I used it in one project where I get 2x speed up comparing to std::queue).
So now my question is:
Are there any other "inhibitors" in C++ that everybody use but no one knows about them?
EDIT: I don't want to be offensive, I'm just curious if you know some unknown "speedups" like this.

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icl7126 Avatar asked Oct 02 '12 15:10


People also ask

Is deque slower than vector?

The deque is a bit slower than the vector, that is logical because here there are more cache misses due to the segmented parts.

Which is faster queue or deque?

Also, deque supports range-based for loop iteration, which is unavailable for stack and queue(both of them require to create temporary copy for iteration). Thereby deque supports all operations much more faster than both stack and queue.

Does deque take more memory than vector?

Deque can have additional memory overhead over vector because it's made of a few blocks instead of contiguous one.

Why does STD stack use deque?

It appears that the way deque is usually implemented is a variable size array of fixed size arrays. This makes growing faster than a vector (which requires reallocation and copying), so for something like a stack which is all about adding and removing elements, deque is likely a better choice.

2 Answers

You are comparing apples and oranges. The dequeue is DOUBLE-ENDED, which requires it to be quite a bit different internally than the simple stack you've implemented. Try running your benchmark against an std::stack<int, std::vector<int> > instead and see how you do. std::stack is a container adapter, and if you use a vector as the underlying container, it should be nearly as fast as your home-grown implementation.

The one down side is that the std::stack implementation doesn't have a way for you to pre-set the size, so in situations where you KNOW what the max size needs to be, it'll be a little slower initially as it has to re-allocate several times. After that, it will be pretty much the same.

like image 158
Michael Kohne Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 18:09

Michael Kohne

If you know the maximum amount of elements that will be in the stack at any given time you should use a std::vector on which you reserve the capacity upfront. Even if you don't know the capacity, for a stack you should use a std::vector which will grow a few times (higher cost than a preallocated vector when growing) but never shrink, so after some time it will stop allocating memory.

The issue with performance is that std::deque will allocate blocks as needed, and deallocate them when they are no longer needed (following some strategy), so if you fill and clear the std::deque often there will be allocations and deallocations continuously.

like image 22
David Rodríguez - dribeas Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 18:09

David Rodríguez - dribeas