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Static vs dynamic sql





In my database at several places developers have used dynamic sql instead of static. And they are saying reason for this is to improve the performance. Can someone tell me can if dynamic sql can really increase the performance in stored procedure or plsql block?

Which will execute faster and why ?

    execute immediate 'delete from X';  


    delete from X;  
like image 659
Pravin Satav Avatar asked Aug 24 '10 08:08

Pravin Satav

People also ask

What is the difference between dynamic and static database?

Dynamic Data vs. Static Data. As you may have guessed, static data refers to a fixed data set—or, data that remains the same after it's collected. Dynamic data, on the other hand, continually changes after it's recorded in order to maintain its integrity.

What is meant by static SQL?

The embedded SQL shown in Embedded SQL Example is known as static SQL. It is called static SQL because the SQL statements in the program are static; that is, they do not change each time the program is run. As described in the previous section, these statements are compiled when the rest of the program is compiled.

What is static and dynamic SQL in DB2?

In a DB2® database, you can execute SQL statements statically or dynamically. Static execution requires configuring the database to run an SQL statement but delivers more consistent performance. Dynamic execution of SQL statements is more flexible because it does not require any special preparation on the database.

What is meant by dynamic SQL?

Dynamic SQL is a programming technique that enables you to build SQL statements dynamically at runtime. You can create more general purpose, flexible applications by using dynamic SQL because the full text of a SQL statement may be unknown at compilation.

1 Answers

Your example code is so simple that there will be little difference, but in that case the static version would most likely execute better.

The main reason to use dynamic SQL for performance is when the SQL statement can vary in a significant way - i.e. you might be able to add extra code to the WHERE clause at runtime based on the state of the system (restrict by a sub-query on Address, if Address entered, etc).

Another reason is that sometimes using Bind variables as parameters can be counter-productive.

An example is if you have something like a status field, where data is not evenly distributed (but is indexed).

Consider the following 3 statements, when 95% of the data is 'P'rocessed

   SELECT col FROM table 
   WHERE status = 'U'-- unprocessed
   AND company = :company

   SELECT col FROM table 
   WHERE status = 'P' -- processed
   AND company = :company

   SELECT col FROM table
   WHERE status = :status
   AND company = :company

In the final version, Oracle will choose a generic explain plan. In the first version, it may decide the best plan is to start with the index on status (knowing that 'U'nprocessed entries are a very small part of the total).

You could implement that through different static statements, but where you have more complex statements which only change by a couple of characters, dynamic SQL may be a better option.


Each repetition of the same dynamic SQL statement incurs a soft parse, which is a small overhead compared to a static statement, but still an overhead.

Each NEW sql statement (dynamic or static) also incurs a lock on the SGA (shared memory), and can result in pushing 'old' statements out.

A bad, but common, system design is for someone to use dynamic SQL to generate simple selects that only vary by key - i.e.

SELECT col FROM table WHERE id = 5
SELECT col FROM table WHERE id = 20
SELECT col FROM table WHERE id = 7

The individual statements will be quick, but the overall system performance will deteriorate, as it is killing the shared resources.

Also - it is far harder to trap errors at compile time with dynamic SQL. If using PL/SQL this is throwing away a good compilation time check. Even when using something like JDBC (where you move all your database code into strings - good idea!) you can get pre-parsers to validate the JDBC content. Dynamic SQL = runtime testing only.


The overhead of execute immediate is small - it is in the thousandths of a second - however, it can add up if this is inside a loop / on a method called once per object / etc. I once got a 10x speed improvement by replacing dynamic SQL with generated static SQL. However, this complicated the code, and was only done because we required the speed.

like image 54
JulesLt Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 23:10
