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Static ThreadLocal variable in a WebApp - Are there any Security/Performance issues?

I am researching and experimenting with a ThreadLocal variable in my Java Web Application. I am using the ThreadLocal variable to store a username (collected from the session) before a request, and then removing it after the request. I have done this by calling a static utility method in a ServletFilter. The reason I do not simply retrieve the username from the session is because I have inherited a system with long-running processes that sometimes take longer to run than the session timeout would allow. My idea is to grab the username before the request is processed and store it in a ThreadLocal variable, thus giving me access to the username throughout the duration of the request even if it takes longer than 15 minutes.

My question is:

Are there any security/performance concerns with this design, and if so, what would be a better solution? Even if there aren't any security and/or performance issues, better ideas are welcome. Snippets from my solution are shown below:

Here is my utility class that would be called in my filter and anywhere that I would need the username.

public abstract class UserUtil {
private static final ThreadLocal<String> threadUser = new ThreadLocal<String>();

public static String getUserId(){
    return threadUser.get();

public static void setUserId(String userId){

public static void removeUserId(){

Here is my servlet filter used to set the username before the request (and clear it via the finally block after the request).

public class UserFilter implements Filter {
public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) throws ServletException {

public void destroy() {

public void doFilter(ServletRequest servletRequest, ServletResponse servletResponse, FilterChain filterChain) throws IOException, ServletException {
    try {
        HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) servletRequest;
        UserBean userBean = (UserBean) ((HttpServletRequest) servletRequest).getSession().getAttribute("userBean");

        filterChain.doFilter(servletRequest, servletResponse);
    } finally{


Here's my web.xml configuration:




Any ideas are much appreciated :)

like image 979
javagruffian Avatar asked Jun 02 '11 16:06


People also ask

Are ThreadLocal variables thread safe?

Java ThreadLocal is used to create thread local variables. We know that all threads of an Object share it's variables, so the variable is not thread safe. We can use synchronization for thread safety but if we want to avoid synchronization, we can use ThreadLocal variables.

Can ThreadLocal be static?

ThreadLocal instances are typically private static fields in classes that wish to associate state with a thread (e.g., a user ID or Transaction ID). For example, the class below generates unique identifiers local to each thread. A thread's id is assigned the first time it invokes ThreadId.

Is ThreadLocal slow?

In 2009, some JVMs implemented ThreadLocal using an unsynchronised HashMap in the Thread. currentThread() object. This made it extremely fast (though not nearly as fast as using a regular field access, of course), as well as ensuring that the ThreadLocal object got tidied up when the Thread died.

When should I use ThreadLocal?

ThreadLocal is useful, when you want to have some state that should not be shared amongst different threads, but it should be accessible from each thread during its whole lifetime. As an example, imagine a web application, where each request is served by a different thread.

1 Answers

This is actually a fairly common approach for attaching security information to the thread of execution (or any other execution related information).

It is used in Java EE servers internally and by 3rd party code/utils like Spring as well.

It will work just fine.

like image 53
Robin Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 16:10
