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Static site generator based upon directories & files




I am looking for a nice way to generate a nested site structure in ruby. I want something that I can propose to clients instead of msword documents. Something of the form:


with the .txt files being markdown, or whatever.

I actually want to import this into a cms system, and just want to hook into whichever static-site generator that I can use.

Otherwise I will do it myself, but it would be nice to use something else for integration with html preprocessors etc.

like image 742
user776895 Avatar asked May 30 '11 23:05


People also ask

How does static site generators work?

Static site generators generate HTML pages at build-time. It reads content from files, merges that data with components, and renders it to HTML pages. The pages are deployed to a server and served to a content delivery network (CDN), eliminating database latency. You don't need to worry about managing database backups.

Is Gatsby a static site generator?

Gatsby. js is a static PWA (Progressive Web App) generator. You get code and data splitting out-of-the-box. Gatsby loads only the critical HTML, CSS, data, and JavaScript so your site loads as fast as possible.

2 Answers

Take a look at Jekyll

like image 77
ryanprayogo Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 11:11


there is also middleman for generating static sites

like image 33
Sadiksha Gautam Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 13:11

Sadiksha Gautam