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Static local variables in Perl




I'm looking for advice on Perl best practices. I wrote a script which had a complicated regular expression:

my $regex = qr/complicated/;

# ...

sub foo {
  # ...

  if (/$regex/)
  # ...

where foo is a function which is called often, and $regex is not used outside that function. What is the best way to handle situations like this? I only want it to be interpreted once, since it's long and complicated. But it seems a bit questionable to have it in global scope since it's only used in that sub. Is there a reasonable way to declare it static?

A similar issue arises with another possibly-unjustified global. It reads in the current date and time and formats it appropriately. This is also used many times, and again only in one function. But in this case it's even more important that it not be re-initialized, since I want all instances of the date-time to be the same from a given invocation of the script, even if the minutes roll over during execution.

At the moment I have something like

my ($regex, $DT);

sub driver {
  $regex = qr/complicated/;
  $DT = dateTime();
  # ...

# ...


which at least slightly segregates it. But perhaps there are better ways.

Again: I'm looking for the right way to do this, in terms of following best practices and Perl idioms. Performance is nice but readability and other needs take priority if I can't have everything.

like image 893
Charles Avatar asked May 31 '12 20:05


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2 Answers

If you're using perl 5.10+, use a state variable.

use feature 'state';
# use 5.010; also works

sub womble {
    state $foo = something_expensive();
    return $foo ** 2;

will only call something_expensive once.

If you need to work with older perls, then use a lexical variable in an outer scope with an extra pair of braces:

    my $foo = something_expensive();
    sub womble {
        return $foo ** 2;

this keeps $foo from leaking to anyone except for womble.

like image 176
hobbs Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 03:10


Is there any interpolation in the pattern? If not, the pattern will only be compiled once no matter how many times the qr// is executed.

$ perl -Mre=debug -e'qr/foo/ for 1..10' 2>&1 | grep Compiling | wc -l

$ perl -Mre=debug -e'qr/foo$_/ for 1..10' 2>&1 | grep Compiling | wc -l

Even if there is interpolation, the pattern will only be compiled if the interpolated variables have changed.

$ perl -Mre=debug -e'$x=123; qr/foo$x/ for 1..10;' 2>&1 | grep Compiling | wc -l

$ perl -Mre=debug -e'qr/foo$_/ for 1..10' 2>&1 | grep Compiling | wc -l

Otherwise, you can use

   my $re = qr/.../;
   sub foo {


use feature qw( state );
sub foo {
   state $re = qr/.../;
like image 27
ikegami Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 01:10
