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Static local variables for methods in Ruby?

I have this:

def valid_attributes
  { :email => "some_#{rand(9999)}@thing.com" }

For Rspec testing right? But I would like to do something like this:

def valid_attributes
  static user_id = 0
  user_id += 1
  { :email => "some_#{user_id}@thing.com" }

I don't want user_id to be accessible from anywhere but that method, is this possible with Ruby?

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Zequez Avatar asked Aug 23 '11 22:08


3 Answers

This is a closure case. Try this

lambda {
  user_id = 0

  self.class.send(:define_method, :valid_attributes) do
    user_id += 1
    { :email => "some_#{user_id}@thing.com" }


Wrapping everything in lambda allows the variables defined within lambda to only exist in the scope. You can add other methods also. Good luck!

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RubyFanatic Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 07:11


This answer is a little larger in scope than your question, but I think it gets at the root of what you're trying to do, and will be the easiest and most maintainable.

I think what you're really looking for here is factories. Try using something like factory_girl, which will make a lot of testing much easier.

First, you'd set up a factory to create whatever type of object it is you're testing, and use a sequence for the email attribute:

FactoryGirl.define do
  factory :model do
    sequence(:email) {|n| "person#{n}@example.com" }
    # include whatever else is required to make your model valid

Then, when you need valid attributes, you can use


You can also use Factory.create and Factory.build to create saved and unsaved instances of the model.

There's explanation of a lot more of the features in the getting started document, as well as instructions on how to add factories to your project.

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Emily Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 08:11


You can use a closure:

def validator_factory
  user_id = 0
  lambda do
    user_id += 1
    { :email => "some_#{user_id}@thing.com" }

valid_attributes = validator_factory

valid_attributes.call  #=>  {:email=>"[email protected]"}
valid_attributes.call  #=>  {:email=>"[email protected]"}

This way user_id won't be accessible outside.

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Sony Santos Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 07:11

Sony Santos