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Static data in Kotlin



Please tell me, is there any difference (in terms of Java) in this examples:

  1. object DefaultValues {     val FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD = 100 } 


    class DefaultValues {     companion object {         val FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD = 100     } } 
  2. Without class or object wrapper:

    const val DEFAULT_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD = 100 



What is the true way to define?:

public static final int FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD = 100 
like image 980
Letfar Avatar asked May 27 '16 11:05


People also ask

What is static in Kotlin?

Android Dependency Injection using Dagger with Kotlin In Java, once a method is declared as "static", it can be used in different classes without creating an object. With static methods, we don't have to create the same boilerplate code for each and every class.

Is there static class in Kotlin?

Kotlin is a statically typed programming language for the JVM, Android and the browser, 100% interoperable with Java.

What is static data with example?

What is static data. Static data (aka Code, Lookup, List or Reference data), in the context of a relational database management system, is generally data that represents fixed data, that generally doesn't change, or if it does, changes infrequently, such as abbreviations for US states for example e.g. ME, MA, NC.

How does Kotlin define static values?

In Kotlin, you have the const keyword that's equal to the static keyword in Java. The const keyword is used to create a variable that's known to Kotlin before the compilation, so you don't need to create an instance of a class to use it.

1 Answers

You can use Kotlin bytecode viewer to find out what these options are compiled to.

With Kotlin 1.0.2 the compiled bytecode shows that

  1. val property in object or companion object is compiled into a private static final field inside the class:

     // access flags 0x1A  private final static I FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD = 100 

    and a getter, which is called when referring to the property:

     // access flags 0x1019  public final static synthetic access$getFILES_TO_DOWNLOAD$cp()I 

    From Java, the getter can be called as DefaultValues.INSTANCE.getFILES_TO_DOWNLOAD() or DefaultValues.Companion.getFILES_TO_DOWNLOAD() respectively.

  2. Non-const top level property is compiled to the same to (1) with only difference that the field and getter are placed inside FilenameKt class now.

    But top level const val is compiled into a public static final field:

    // access flags 0x19 public final static I DEFAULT_FILES_TO_DOWNLOAD = 100 

    The same public static final field will be produced when a const val is declared inside an object. Also, you can achieve the same resulting bytecode if you add @JvmField annotation to the properties declared in (1).

Concluding that, you can define public static final field using const or @JvmField either in an object or at top level.

like image 60
hotkey Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 15:09
