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Static constructors in F# - when do they run?

I am experimenting with various ways of creating singletons in F#, so that I understand the subtleties better. I don't know if the singleton pattern is ever useful in F#, but I wanted to experiment. And I was surprised by one result involving static constructors on those singleton instances. First I'll show you my code, and then I'll go into more details about my question.

In one project called TrySingleton, I created three modules. Here's Eager.fs:

module TrySingleton.Eager

type EagerClass() =
        printfn "Initializing eager class..."

    static do
        printfn "Static constructor of eager class"

let Instance = EagerClass()

Here's Lazy.fs:

module TrySingleton.Lazy

type LazyClass() =
        printfn "Initializing lazy class..."

    static do
        printfn "Static constructor of lazy class"

let Instance = lazy LazyClass()

And here's how I call them, in Main.fs:

module TrySingleton.Main

let main argv =
    printfn "Starting main with args %A" argv
    printfn "Accessing eager instance:"
    printfn "%A" Eager.Instance
    printfn "Accessing lazy instance:"
    printfn "%A" Lazy.Instance.Value
    printfn "Accessing eager instance again:"
    printfn "%A" Eager.Instance
    printfn "Accessing lazy instance again:"
    printfn "%A" Lazy.Instance.Value
    printfn "Success; exiting."

I was expecting the static constructor of the Eager class to run immediately on program startup, and wasn't sure when the Lazy class's static constructor would run. However, here's the output I got:

Starting main with args [||]
Accessing eager instance:
Static constructor of eager class
Initializing eager class...
Accessing lazy instance:
Static constructor of lazy class
Initializing lazy class...
Accessing eager instance again:
Accessing lazy instance again:
Success; exiting.

It seems that the Eager class is not as eager as I thought it would be. Its static constructor was only run the first time I tried to access the instance, whereas I thought that the static class constructors would run at program startup time.

I guess I don't have much of a question left, except to ask: is this documented anywhere? What documentation did I miss that talks about when static constructors of a class will be run?

like image 538
rmunn Avatar asked Sep 07 '16 04:09


People also ask

What is a static constructor?

A static constructor is used to initialize any static data, or to perform a particular action that needs to be performed only once. It is called automatically before the first instance is created or any static members are referenced.

What are static constructors in Java?

A static constructor used to initialize static data means the specified task will execute only once throughout the program. Usually, a static constructor is automatically called when the first instance is generated, or any static member is referenced.

Can we have constructors for static classes?

Static classes cannot contain an instance constructor. However, they can contain a static constructor. Non-static classes should also define a static constructor if the class contains static members that require non-trivial initialization.

What is a static constructor C++?

A static constructor is used to initialize static data of a class. C++ doesn't have static constructor. But a static constructor can be emulated by using a friend class or nested class as below.

1 Answers

I managed to find the answer in the official F# documentation, which I rarely look at anymore because http://fsharpforfunandprofit.com is such a great resource. But the Constructors article in the official F# documentation says (emphasis mine):

In addition to specifying code for creating objects, static let and do bindings can be authored in class types that execute before the type is first used to perform initialization at the type level.

There are followup links to the let Bindings in Classes and do Bindings in Classes articles, which say (emphasis mine, again):

Static let bindings are part of the static initializer for the class, which is guaranteed to execute before the type is first used.


A do binding in a class definition performs actions when the object is constructed or, for a static do binding, when the type is first used.

So it looks like I can answer my own question: the answer is that my initial expectations were wrong. The static constructor will not necessarily be run at program startup time, but only when that class is first used. Which means that if you're using the Singleton pattern in two different classes, one of which depends on the other, their constructors (and static constructors) will be run in the order that makes sense given the dependency. (Of course, there might be better, more functional ways to design your code in that scenario; I use it as an illustration rather than as an endorsement of that design.)

like image 162
rmunn Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 15:11
