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$state transition after rejected promise Angular ui-router

I'm using Angular ui-router and have a resolve function set up for one of my states, before the controller is initialized. I retrieve some data, loop through and match it up the URL stateParam, and if a match is found, resolve the promise to the controller and return that object in the promise. That's all working well.

However, if a match isn't found I simply want to redirect to a different state by rejecting the promise and running $state.go('state');

Simply this:

$state.go('state',{params: 'param'});

But this doesn't seem to do anything. The controller just hangs, and I get no console errors or anything. Any ideas?

This question apply to verion 0.xx, many things have changed in version 1.xx

like image 966
Sean Thompson Avatar asked Feb 19 '14 00:02

Sean Thompson

1 Answers

ui-router is supposed to throw a $stateChangeError if a route resolve is rejected. You need to watch for this event, and trigger your state transition there.

As per the wiki:

$stateChangeError - fired when an error occurs during transition. It's important to note that if you have any errors in your resolve functions (javascript errors, non-existent services, etc) they will not throw traditionally. You must listen for this $stateChangeError event to catch ALL errors.


As @gustavohenke mentioned in the comments, a good place to put this handler is your app's primary .run() function.

like image 198
Matt Way Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 14:11

Matt Way