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Starting JBoss from Eclipse




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Can not Start JBoss server in Eclipse?

You can increase the timeout associated with server starting time as part of the server settings in Eclipse. You might also want to check if you need all the modules that JBOSS starts up as part of the startup process. 6 minutes is a long time in a development environment.

I had a similar problem, but it was with a Tomcat 5.5 server. The startup time was quite important, so I got this error.

To solve this problem, I did that steps: In Preferences, Server, I changed the property "Server timeout delay" to "Unlimited".


For Eclipse Ganymede, you must do that: In the server view, double-click on your server JBoss. In the overview, you have a "Timeouts" panel (by default, it is collapsed). You can define the timeouts for server start and stop operations.

I had a similar problem. It turned out that Eclipse’s server default port was set to 8080 while my JBoss was working from 8180.

By changing the server’s configuration in Eclipse (double-click on the server and edit server property), it worked.

Increasing the timeout doesn't solve the problem. Eclipse never recognizes that the server has started (not sure if that's a big deal), just irritated me. I had this problem for weeks and finally figured out that (at least for me) the host name and address had to be identical. I had hostname:localhost; address"" and it would not work. I changed both to and voila!

Like this: enter image description here

In my Eclipse with Jboss Tools, that ocurred too, I change the "Host name", on General information of JbossServer, from my machine name to

Thanks, this works fine!

I've seen this behavior when I've changed JBoss to run via SSL on port 8443 instead of unencrypted on port 8080. It is my theory that the Eclipse plugin is checking on port 8080 to confirm that JBoss has started, and that this check is hardcoded and does not respect changes you make to the configuration to specify that the server runs on a different port.

Our workaround is to start JBoss from the debug pulldown menu, which apparently disables the timeout.

Try the following:-

  1. Check if the port jboss configured correctly in the general information. It is usually 8080 unless you've changed it.
  2. I use the hostname as so that it can be accessed from other computers on the network.
  3. I had a problem where I was connected to a vpn and it was causing this issue. Shut off any vpn connections.

You have to change ports defined in JBoss configuration panel. I have used -Djboss.service.binding.set=ports-01 to upgrade port numbers - and forgot to change Eclipse/JBoss configuration - and Eclipse failed to notice JBoss is already running.