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Starting async method as Thread or as Task

I'm new to C#s await/async and currently playing around a bit.

In my scenario I have a simple client-object which has a WebRequest property. The client should send periodically alive-messages over the WebRequests RequestStream. This is the constructor of the client-object:

public Client()
    _webRequest = WebRequest.Create("some url");
    _webRequest.Method = "POST";

    IsRunning = true;

    // --> how to start the 'async' method (see below)

and the async alive-sender method

private async void SendAliveMessageAsync()
    const string keepAliveMessage = "{\"message\": {\"type\": \"keepalive\"}}";
    var seconds = 0;
    while (IsRunning)
        if (seconds % 10 == 0)
            await new StreamWriter(_webRequest.GetRequestStream()).WriteLineAsync(keepAliveMessage);

        await Task.Delay(1000);

How should the method be started?

new Thread(SendAliveMessageAsync).Start();


Task.Run(SendAliveMessageAsync); // changing the returning type to Task


await SendAliveMessageAsync(); // fails as of the constructor is not async

My question is more about my personal understanding of await/async which I guess may be wrong in some points.

The third option is throwing

The 'await' operator can only be used in a method or lambda marked with the 'async' modifier
like image 735
KingKerosin Avatar asked Jan 15 '16 09:01


1 Answers

Edited as previous answer was wrong:

As it's in the constructor, I think you would have to spin up a new thread for it. I would personally do that using

Task.Factory.StartNew(() => SendAliveMessageAsync());

like image 101
John Clifford Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 16:10

John Clifford