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Starting AppFabric Cache Cluster automatically



Is there a way to start the cache cluster automatically on system startup? I'm running it on a remote PC and when it gets restarted I have to remote into it and restart the cache cluster from Powershell using Start-CacheCluster, and would like to not have to do this.



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jamiebarrow Avatar asked May 20 '10 14:05


1 Answers

Yes - if you change the startup mode of the AppFabric Caching Service from Manual to Automatic, then the service will start once the server has finished booting. AppFabric Service configuration window
(source: philippursglove.com)

I suspect that as AppFabric starts to move into production clusters, this will become a 'best practice' thing to do in order to get maximum uptime on the cluster.

like image 107
PhilPursglove Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 19:10
