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Starting and populating a Postgres container in Docker

I have a Docker container that contains my Postgres database. It's using the official Postgres image which has a CMD entry that starts the server on the main thread.

I want to populate the database by running RUN psql –U postgres postgres < /dump/dump.sql before it starts listening to queries.

I don't understand how this is possible with Docker. If I place the RUN command after CMD, it will of course never be reached because Docker has finished reading the Dockerfile. But if I place it before the CMD, it will run before psql even exists as a process.

How can I prepopulate a Postgres database in Docker?

like image 574
Migwell Avatar asked Apr 13 '15 07:04


People also ask

How do I populate a postgres database?

There are generally three methods in PostgreSQL with which you can fill a table with data: Use the INSERT INTO command with a grouped set of data to insert new values. Use the INSERT INTO command in conjunction with a SELECT statement to insert existing values from another table.

How do I start a container in docker?

You can then use the docker container start (or shorthand: docker start ) command to start the container at any point.

How do I connect to a PostgreSQL container?

Connecting to the PSQL server via CLI : Run the below command to enter into the container (with the ID from step-1). docker exec -it <PSQL-Container-ID> bash. Authenticate to start using as postgres user. psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres -W.

2 Answers

After a lot of fighting, I have found a solution ;-)

For me was very useful a comment posted here: https://registry.hub.docker.com/_/postgres/ from "justfalter"

Anyway, I have done in this way:

# Dockerfile FROM postgres:9.4  RUN mkdir -p /tmp/psql_data/  COPY db/structure.sql /tmp/psql_data/ COPY scripts/init_docker_postgres.sh /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/ 

db/structure.sql is a sql dump, useful to initialize the first tablespace.

Then, the init_docker_postgres.sh

#!/bin/bash  # this script is run when the docker container is built # it imports the base database structure and create the database for the tests  DATABASE_NAME="db_name" DB_DUMP_LOCATION="/tmp/psql_data/structure.sql"  echo "*** CREATING DATABASE ***"  # create default database gosu postgres postgres --single <<EOSQL   CREATE DATABASE "$DATABASE_NAME";   GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE "$DATABASE_NAME" TO postgres; EOSQL  # clean sql_dump - because I want to have a one-line command  # remove indentation sed "s/^[ \t]*//" -i "$DB_DUMP_LOCATION"  # remove comments sed '/^--/ d' -i "$DB_DUMP_LOCATION"  # remove new lines sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g' -i "$DB_DUMP_LOCATION"  # remove other spaces sed 's/  */ /g' -i "$DB_DUMP_LOCATION"  # remove firsts line spaces sed 's/^ *//' -i "$DB_DUMP_LOCATION"  # append new line at the end (suggested by @Nicola Ferraro) sed -e '$a\' -i "$DB_DUMP_LOCATION"  # import sql_dump gosu postgres postgres --single "$DATABASE_NAME" < "$DB_DUMP_LOCATION";   echo "*** DATABASE CREATED! ***" 

So finally:

# no postgres is running [myserver]# psql -h -U postgres psql: could not connect to server: Connection refused     Is the server running on host "" and accepting     TCP/IP connections on port 5432?  [myserver]# docker build -t custom_psql . [myserver]# docker run -d --name custom_psql_running -p 5432:5432 custom_psql  [myserver]# docker ps -a CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                COMMAND                CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                    NAMES ce4212697372        custom_psql:latest   "/docker-entrypoint.   9 minutes ago       Up 9 minutes>5432/tcp   custom_psql_running  [myserver]# psql -h -U postgres psql (9.2.10, server 9.4.1) WARNING: psql version 9.2, server version 9.4.          Some psql features might not work. Type "help" for help.  postgres=#   # postgres is now initialized with the dump 

Hope it helps!

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damoiser Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 23:09


For those who want to initialize a PostgreSQL DB with millions of records during the first run.

Import using *.sql dump

You can do simple sql dump and copy the dump.sql file into /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/. The problem is speed. My dump.sql script is about 17MB (small DB - 10 tables with 100k rows in only one of them) and the initialization takes over a minute (!). That is unacceptable for local development / unit test, etc.

Import using binary dump

The solution is to make a binary PostgreSQL dump and use shell scripts initialization support. Then the same DB is initialized in about 500ms instead of 1 minute.

1. Create the dump.pgdata binary dump of a DB named "my-db" directly from within a container or your local DB

pg_dump -U postgres --format custom my-db > "dump.pgdata" 

Or from host from running container (postgres-container)

docker exec postgres-container pg_dump -U postgres --format custom my-db > "dump.pgdata" 

2. Create a Docker image with a given dump and initialization script

$ tree . ├── Dockerfile └── docker-entrypoint-initdb.d     ├── 01-restore.sh     ├── 02-small-updates.sql     └── dump.pgdata 
$ cat Dockerfile FROM postgres:11  COPY ./docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/ /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/ 
$ cat docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/01-restore.sh #!/bin/bash  file="/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/dump.pgdata" dbname=my-db  echo "Restoring DB using $file" pg_restore -U postgres --dbname=$dbname --verbose --single-transaction < "$file" || exit 1 
$ cat docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/02-small-updates.sql -- some updates on your DB, for example for next application version -- this file will be executed on DB during next release UPDATE ... ; 

3. Build an image and run it

$ docker build -t db-test-img . $ docker run -it --rm --name db-test db-test-img 
like image 24
Petr Újezdský Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 23:09

Petr Újezdský