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startForeground() does not show my Notification

I am trying to make my Service running in foreground. I tried to use this example (please look for the section "Running a Service in the Foreground"), but startForeground() does not actually show my notification. And no exceptions is thrown. To make it shown, I need to use NotificationManager like here explained. With NotificationManager my notification works, but i'm not sure that my Service is foreground after this "silent" call to startForeground().

What can be wrong?

EDIT: I just tested this sample project that should demonstrate startForeground(), but it does not work! I use API v7.0, I tested it both on emulator and real device (SE Xperia Neo). Notification does not appear.

EDIT2: if i try to call setForeground() then i got a warning setForeground: ignoring old API call.

I also tried to use startForegroundCompat() as described here, but effect is absolutelly the same. I check if my service is foreground using ActivityManager.RunningServiceInfo as described here, and I see that my service is not foreground.

like image 745
Dmitry Frank Avatar asked Jan 04 '12 11:01

Dmitry Frank

People also ask

Can you start foreground without notification?

As a security feature of the Android platform, you cannot, under any circumstance, have a foregrounded service without also having a notification.

What is foreground notification in Android?

Foreground services show a status bar notification, so that users are actively aware that your app is performing a task in the foreground and is consuming system resources. Devices that run Android 12 (API level 31) or higher provide a streamlined experience for short-running foreground services.

What is a foreground notification?

Foreground services are an advanced Android concept which allows you to display notifications to your users when running long lived background tasks. The notification acts like any other notification, however it cannot be removed by the user and lives for the duration of the service.

2 Answers

I just noticed that startForeground() doesn't show the notification icon if the id parameter is set to 0...

startForeground(0, notification); // Doesn't work...  startForeground(1, notification); // Works!!! 

I hope that it could help someone stuck on this.

like image 128
Luka Kama Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 22:09

Luka Kama

in addition to the best answer. you should also check that have you called setSmallIcon. On my android phone, I cannot get what I expected without calling setSmallIcon

like image 33
Shaw Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 22:09
