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Start $interval immediately in AngularJS


I have the function notifications.get() that runs every 10 seconds.

function notificationsCtrl($scope, $interval) {     $interval(function(){          $scope.notification = notifications.get();         $('.card').addClass('rotate');     }, 10000); }; 

But when the page is loaded, the function should be called once immediately. Can anyone help me?

like image 689
alexP Avatar asked Feb 24 '14 13:02


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1 Answers

You can do it like this,

  1. Define it as a function
  2. Call it immediately by function name
  3. Attach function to $interval() for execute in every 10 sec.


function notificationsCtrl($scope, $interval) {     var fun = function(){          $scope.notification = notifications.get();         $('.card').addClass('rotate');     };     fun();     $interval(fun, 10000); }; 
like image 145
Pranav C Balan Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 04:10

Pranav C Balan