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standard for resolving a urn:uuid (and other)?




My application uses urn:uuid as URIs for entities. Of course, when I get, e.g. RDF information about a resource, the referred entities (subject or objects) will contain URIs in the urn:uuid schema. To fetch the representation of the new entity, possibly in a REST way, I need a "resolver", similar in some way to dx.doi.org for DOIs. Another case could be the resolution of a isbn: URI, so to obtain a sensible representation of this URI.

My question is relative to what's out there, in terms of proposed standards, for URI-to-representation-URL resolution.

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Stefano Borini Avatar asked Dec 15 '09 08:12

Stefano Borini

2 Answers

The concluded URN Working Group of the IETF has also done some work on resolving URNs and published quite a few RFCs on this topic. A list of references is contained in the group charter. Maybe some of them help you.

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lwho Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 15:09


An UUID is a universally unique identifier, so I don't see how you would be able to resolve a uuid I just generated (e.g. 3136aa1a-fec8-11de-a55f-00003925d394) to something useful.

Only if you manage a database of uuids somewhere, you can retrieve more from it. Or you would have to ask everyone/everything "Do you know this uuid?"

The urn:uuid definition defines a clear space of unique identifiers you can use for defining something truly unique. But as nobody else can guess its value, you can't derive information from it.

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Bert Huijben Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 15:09

Bert Huijben