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Stack<T> implements ICollection, but has methods from ICollection<T>

I'm trying to create a custom collection based on Stack<T>. When I look at Stack<T> [from metadata] in visual studio, it shows that Stack<T> implements ICollection, which would require it to implement ICollection's CopyTo(Array array, index) method, but instead, it is shown as having ICollection<T>'s CopyTo(T[] array, index) method. Can someone explain why this is the case?

I'm trying to create a collection that mimics Stack<T> pretty heavily. When I implement ICollection as stack does, it requires me to use the CopyTo(Array array, index) method, but what I really want is to use the CopyTo(T[] array, index) method, like Stack<T> does. Is there a way to achieve this without implementing ICollection<T>?

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Thick_propheT Avatar asked May 14 '12 19:05


People also ask

Which interface does ICollection T inherit from?

The ICollection<T> interface is the base interface for classes in the System. Collections. Generic namespace. The ICollection<T> interface extends IEnumerable<T>; IDictionary<TKey,TValue> and IList<T> are more specialized interfaces that extend ICollection<T>.

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The ICollection interface in C# defines the size, enumerators, and synchronization methods for all nongeneric collections. It is the base interface for classes in the System. Collections namespace.

1 Answers

As others have written, you can use explicit interface implementation to satisfy your non-generic interface:

void ICollection.CopyTo(Array array, int arrayIndex)
  var arrayOfT = array as T[];
  if (arrayOfT == null)
    throw new InvalidOperationException();
  CopyTo(arrayOfT, arrayIndex); // calls your good generic method
like image 71
Jeppe Stig Nielsen Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 05:09

Jeppe Stig Nielsen