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StackOverFlow while counting digits



I am trying to count the number of digits in a number in Clojure as follows: I get a StackOverflowError even for 2 digit numbers

(defn num-digits [n]
   (if (= 0 n)
   (inc (num-digits (/ n 10)))))
(println (num-digits 93))

But if I replace / with unchecked-divide then it works for at least 93. But neither of the techniques works for:


First, I would like to know how to perform division the C-style in Clojure. Whenever I do (/ x y) I get a Ratio and not a Integer. What is the way to do it?

Secondly, is there a way API to convert this Number into a vector of digits and call count on it.

Ajay G

like image 512
user855 Avatar asked Jan 21 '10 18:01


1 Answers

This is why you're having a problem:

user> (take 10 (iterate #(/ % 10) 10923))

(10923 10923/10 10923/100 10923/1000 10923/10000 10923/100000 10923/1000000 10923/10000000 10923/100000000 10923/1000000000)

This is the fix:

user> (take 10 (iterate #(quot % 10) 10923))

(10923 1092 109 10 1 0 0 0 0 0)

This is the expression you're looking for:

user> (count (take-while #(not (zero? %)) (iterate #(quot % 10) 10923)))

This is cheating:

user> (count (str 10923))

This is the function you were trying to write (but careful, it will stack overflow for large numbers):

user> (defn num-digits [n]
        (if (= 0 n)
          (inc (num-digits (quot n 10)))))

user> (num-digits 10923)

However, it is up to the challenge:

user> (num-digits 93326215443944152681699238856266700490715968264381621468592963895217599993229915608941463976156518286253697920827223758251185210916864000000000000000000000000)


This version of that function will not blow stack:

user> (defn num-digits-tail-recursion 
        ([n count]
           (if (= 0 n)
             (recur (quot n 10) (inc count))))
        ([n] (num-digits-tail-recursion n 0)))
user> (num-digits-tail-recursion 10923)

All versions are interesting in their own way. Good question!

like image 84
John Lawrence Aspden Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 03:10

John Lawrence Aspden