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SSRS multi-value parameter using a stored procedure


I am working on a SSRS report that uses a stored procedure containing a few parameters. I am having problems with two of the parameters because I want to have the option of selecting more than one item.

Here's a condensed version of what I have:

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[uspMyStoredProcedure]    (@ReportProductSalesGroupID AS VARCHAR(MAX)    ,@ReportProductFamilyID AS VARCHAR(MAX)   ,@ReportStartDate AS DATETIME   ,@ReportEndDate AS DATETIME)  --THE REST OF MY QUERY HERE WHICH PULLS ALL OF THE NEEDED COLUMNS  WHERE DateInvoicedID BETWEEN @ReportStartDate AND @ReportEndDate AND ProductSalesGroupID IN (@ReportProductSalesGroupID) AND ProductFamilyID IN (@ReportProductFamilyID) 

When I try to just run the stored procedure I only return values if I enter only 1 value for @ReportProductSalesGroupID and 1 value @ReportProductFamilyID. If I try to enter two SalesGroupID and/or 2 ProductFamilyID it doesn't error, but I return nothing.

-- Returns data EXEC uspMyStoredProcedure 'G23',     'NOF',     '7/1/2009', '7/31/2009'  -- Doesn't return data EXEC uspMyStoredProcedure 'G23,G22', 'NOF,ALT', '7/1/2009', '7/31/2009' 

In SSRS I get an error that says:

Incorrect syntax near ','

It appears that the , separator is being included in the string instead of a delimiter

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user153949 Avatar asked Aug 10 '09 20:08


People also ask

How does SSRS deal with multiple valued parameters?

Setting default values for multi-value parameters If we want to set Select All option as a default parameter we need to follow the steps below: Choose Get values from a query under the Default Values tab. Set HRReportParameterDataset into the Dataset Combobox. Set JobTitle field into the Value field.

How do you pass one parameter value to another parameter in SSRS?

To set available values for the second parameter In the Report Data pane, in the Parameters folder, right-click the first parameter, and then click Parameter Properties. In Name, verify that the name of the parameter is correct. Click Available Values. Click Get values from a query.

1 Answers

You need three things:

  1. In the SSRS dataset properties, pass the multi-value param to the stored procedure as a comma-delimited string

    =Join(Parameters!TerritoryMulti.Value, ",") 
  2. In Sql Server, you need a table-value function that can split a comma-delimited string back out into a mini table (eg see here). edit: Since SQL Server 2016 you can use the built-in function STRING_SPLIT for this

  3. In the stored procedure, have a where clause something like this:

    WHERE sometable.TerritoryID in (select Item from dbo.ufnSplit(@TerritoryMulti,',')) 

    ... where ufnSplit is your splitting function from step 2.

(Full steps and code in my blog post 'SSRS multi-value parameters with less fail'):

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codeulike Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 13:10
