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SSRS - How to build a simple multi-column report?

I am using SQL Server 2008 and I want to show 1 single field from a table in multiple columns in the report. Just like if I were to print labels. How can I achieve this?


Instead of printing:

Names Report


I want to print in columns (say 3 fixed columns):

Names Report

Andrea ---- Bruno ---- Darren
Austin ---- Cathy ---- Francis
Barbara ---- Chis ---- Gabriel
Bob ---- David ---- Gerald
....... ---- ....... ---- .......

Edit: If I run the report and click on "Print Layout" button, I can see multiple columns. Can I set this mode as default?

like image 769
Gus Cavalcanti Avatar asked Jun 18 '09 20:06

Gus Cavalcanti

People also ask

How do I add multiple columns in SSRS?

Just drag the dataset field to the place you want it in the table and BIDS/SSRS will automatically insert a new column. It also helps to drag the latter columns first (i.e. always inserting a previous column) so you don't have to scroll to the right all the time.

What is a multi column report?

In multi-column mode, the report's design surface is limited to the area defined by the column width. This is the only area intended to contain report controls. The rest of this surface defines the space on a page remaining for printing columns and column spacing area.

How do I group multiple columns in SSRS?

Right-click on the middle column of the table and select the "Insert Column > Right" item, as shown in Figure 25. Repeat the "Insert column" step to add four columns into the table.

2 Answers

For Horizontal layout of labels...

One choice is to use the columns property on the report or body elements. This doesn't always display correctly On reportviewer. I've noticed that even if it displays correctly on your IDE and when you export to PDF. In the report viewer it will display only one column. Also it snakes the labels top to bottom then left to right.

One choice is to use a matrix and group on every 3 rows (if you want 3 columns).

This one is a little complicated.

My solution of choice is to put 3 vertical lists on the page. put the same label in each list. Return the row number in your dataset. Then just filter each list on modulo 3

For example

Result set

RIndex Fname
1 abe
2 burt
3 fred
4 george

Filter expressions

list 1 -> =Fields!RIndex.Value mod 3 = =1
list 2 -> =Fields!RIndex.Value mod 3 = =2
list 3 -> =Fields!RIndex.Value mod 3 = =0


Abe Burt Fred 
like image 65
Vern Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 05:10


The method I use is a bit similar as what Vern suggested but differs enough to make it worth mentioning here.

You can combine the ROW_NUMBER with the modulo (%) operator directly in the query to fabricate the column number in which the record should get displayed. Here's an example that generates one while taking a group into account:

declare @numberOfColumns int = 4;

select dpc.EnglishProductCategoryName, dp.ProductAlternateKey
    , (ROW_NUMBER() OVER (
        PARTITION BY dpc.EnglishProductCategoryName
        ORDER BY dp.ProductAlternateKey) + @numberOfColumns - 1) % @numberOfColumns + 1
    as DisplayColumn
from dbo.DimProduct dp
inner join dbo.DimProductSubcategory dps on dps.ProductSubcategoryKey = dp.ProductSubcategoryKey
inner join dbo.DimProductCategory dpc on dpc.ProductCategoryKey = dps.ProductCategoryKey;

To get this displayed I'm using nested tables which are then filtered on DisplayColumn.

Have a read through following article for all the details: Creating Multiple-Column Reports

like image 40
Valentino Vranken Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 07:10

Valentino Vranken