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SSRS Expression Divide by Zero Error


I have a tablix box that has a division expression. When dividing by zero or nulls I get #Error displayed in my report. I tried to create an IIF statement and tested with static values. This verified my syntax was correct but I still see the error on my reports.

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=IIF(Sum(Fields!CY_Dollars.Value)=0, 0, (Sum(Fields!CY_Dollars.Value) - Sum(Fields!PY_Dollars.Value))/(Sum(Fields!PY_Dollars.Value)))

So I'm taking Current year dollars, subtracting Previous year dollars, and dividing that total by previous year dollars to get the percentage change. Is there a trick to this that I'm not getting?!

like image 374
d90 Avatar asked Oct 04 '13 19:10


People also ask

How to handle divide by zero error in SSRS expression?

SSRS does not short circuit IIF arguments. Therefore, using a single IIF function to screen for division by zero will have no effect and give an #ERROR value. Instead, a pair of nested IIF statements can be used. The outer IIF controls the value returned in the case of division by zero, 0 in the example above.

How do I use IIF in SSRS expression?

Using IIF Function in SSRS We are going to add a new field to the report data set to determine if the Order Year is the Max or Current Year. As shown below, the dataset properties window is opened, and the Fields tab is selected. After clicking Add, at the bottom of the list a new field is added.

How do you display blanks as zeros in a SSRS report?

You can use FORMAT function to format numbers, e.g. =Format(Fields! MyField. Value,"0.00").

1 Answers

You can add a function to your report code that handles the divide by zero condition, this makes it a bit easier to implement in multiple cells, e.g.

Public Function Divider (ByVal Dividend As Double, ByVal Divisor As Double)
If IsNothing(Divisor) Or Divisor = 0
  Return 0
  Return Dividend/Divisor
End If
End Function 

You can then call this in a cell like so:

=Code.Divider(Fields!FieldA.Value, Fields!FieldB.Value)
like image 68
Nathan Griffiths Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 14:09

Nathan Griffiths