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SSMS add comma delimiter - shortcut

Is there a shortcut for adding commas for values for IN clause? e.g. if my query SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE Id IN(.....) and I've copied


Person's Id values let's say from some Excel file, How can I quickly add ',' comma to the end of each line, so I can paste it IN(....) clause?

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Levan Avatar asked Jan 23 '14 08:01


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2 Answers

Here's what you need to do:

  1. Put your cursor one space after the 356 (you'll see what you need that extra space in step 2).
  2. Hold down ALT + SHIFT and click the down key for as many numbers as you have. You should see a blue line just to the right of your numbers. This is why you needed the extra space after 356 - so that you can just arrow down the entire list without having to move left or right.

blue line

  1. Release the keys, and press the comma key. A comma should appear in all of the lines.


You can use this method to add quotes or other characters to your SQL queries as well.

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A Sch Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 01:09

A Sch

I use this in SSMS 2014;

SSMS 2014 replace with delimeter I am not sure if this can be done in previous versions

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Decoded Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 01:09
