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SSIS Script transformation error when using Output0Buffer class




I'm trying to help our dba by supplying script written with c#, so he can use it in his ScriptComponent.

I have an input file, process its line by line and create a row in Output0Buffer as it is explained in http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/441678/Getting-Started-With-SSIS-Script-transforms?fid=1765989&tid=4344144

I have written the test method and it works fine, however after inserting the logic inside of Input0_ProcessInputRow method as it's showed in the example, we are getting an error saying that Output0Buffer does not exist on the following lines:

    Output0Buffer.Data = line;
    Output0Buffer.RegionName = regionName; 

What are we missing here? Thank's

like image 873
eugene.it Avatar asked Aug 21 '14 16:08


1 Answers

I found why that happened. Basically, when creating the output, I changed its name explicitly to Output0Buffer and should have changed SynchronousInputID property to "None".

That did the trick

This can be done by clicking on the Script Transformation Editor clicking the catagory Inputs and Outputs clicking on Output 0 and changing SynchronousInputId to None in the right hand panel

like image 96
eugene.it Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 10:09
