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SSIS return value of Stored Procedure within an OLE DB Command

I am migrating data that has to be inserted using stored procedures which already exist. The stored procedures have parameters and a return value (from a select statement) of an id for the row inserted. Within an OLE DB Command in SSIS, I can call the stored procedure passing column values as the parameters and I usually use output parameters on the stored procedure to handle "id" output; but I am unsure how this can be handled with return values when the procedure uses a select to return the id value. Here is an example of what I have used before which works but I need to pick up the value returned from the select:

exec dbo.uspInsertContactAddress
@Address = ?,
@ContactID = ?,
@DeliveryMethodId = ?,
@ID = ? output,
@Version = ? output
like image 639
bobwah Avatar asked Jan 28 '09 11:01


People also ask

How can we return a value in stored procedure?

The RETURN statement is used to unconditionally and immediately terminate an SQL procedure by returning the flow of control to the caller of the stored procedure. It is mandatory that when the RETURN statement is executed that it return an integer value. If the return value is not provided, the default is 0.

How do you use variables in OLE DB command in SSIS?

Inside the data flow, add an OLE DB Source component and open the editor. After selecting or creating the connection manager, set the data access mode to SQL Command. In the SQL command text field that opens up below, paste your SQL statement.

Can we return from stored procedure?

You can use one or more RETURN statements in a stored procedure. The RETURN statement can be used anywhere after the declaration blocks within the SQL-procedure-body. To return multiple output values, parameters can be used instead.

Can procedure have return a value?

A stored procedure does not have a return value but can optionally take input, output, or input-output parameters. A stored procedure can return output through any output or input-output parameter.

2 Answers

The way I found I could do this which was actually quite simple:

exec ? = dbo.StoredProc @param = ?, @param2 = ?

and then a @RETURN_VALUE will appear on the Available Destination Columns

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bobwah Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 07:10


Don't use the variable names in the SqlCommand property, just the question marks and the "OUT" or "OUTPUT" label for the output parameters.

The trick for grabbing the output parameter value is to put a derived column transformation in the pipeline ahead of the OLE DB Command to introduce a column (mapped to an SSIS variable) to capture the procedure result.

See OLEDB Command Transformation And Identity Columns for a good overview with screen caps of how to do this. Also see Trash Destination Adapter for the Trash Destination used in the first link. It's a handy tool to have available for debugging things like this.

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John Mo Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 07:10

John Mo