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SSIS Multicast - Wait for one fork to finish before executing next fork

I have an SSIS Mulitcast object that splits my flow into 2 paths.

In the first path I insert the flow into another database.

In the second path I update the rows of the flow to show that they were inserted.

I need a way to make one path wait until the other path has finished. (So I can handle any insert errors and not update the rows for those that were errors.)

Any Help is appreciated.

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Vaccano Avatar asked Feb 06 '09 21:02


1 Answers

I looked into this more and here is the answer I came up with:

On each output of the multicast I put a sort operation, then I join them using a MergeJoin operation. After that I do a SQL Update using an OLE DB command on the items that don't have an error value from the mergejoin.

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Vaccano Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 17:10
