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SSIS - After 'exclude from project', how to re-include?



After I've excluded a package from a project by choosing Project->Exclude From Project, how do I 're-include' it later?

I thought it was Project->Add Existing Package, but that adds a copy of the package.

like image 824
fieldingmellish Avatar asked May 09 '11 02:05


People also ask

How do I revert a project exclude in Visual Studio?

We can right click on the file, choose properties, go to General and click on Excluded From Build, then choose Yes or No to exclude or re-include.

How do I add an existing SSIS package to a project?

Properly name the Project and save the file into the folder where the packages are. From the Solution Explorer, right click on SSIS packages and then choose the Add Existing Package option.

1 Answers

It's very easy ,

if it's old version of Visual Studio like 2012 ,

just Right Click on the folder > Add > Existing Item > choose the file which has been excluded

if it's old version of Visual Studio like 2008 ,

Right Click on the folder > Add > Include in Project

Right click on Folder > click Add > Existing Item > Select the file

like image 95
Chanuka Asanka Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 15:11

Chanuka Asanka