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SSH IdentitiesOnly=yes forwarding all my keys

I cannot for the life of me figure out why my SSH config is forwarding the wrong key. I have two keys, we'll call them home_rsa and work_rsa. I have done the following:

eval `ssh-agent`
ssh-add -K ~/.ssh/home_rsa
ssh-add -K ~/.ssh/work_rsa

Here is my ~/.ssh/config file:

Host home
  ForwardAgent yes
  HostName home.com
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/home_rsa
  IdentitiesOnly yes
  User home

Host work
  ForwardAgent yes
  HostName work.com
  IdentitiesOnly yes
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/work_rsa
  User work

Host bitbucket
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/home_rsa

Host bitbucket-work
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/work_rsa

Host bitbucket*
  HostName bitbucket.com
  User git

When I run the following…

ssh work
ssh [email protected]

…Bitbucket reports that I'm using my home user, though I'm clearly logged into my work server and should be forwarding my work key. If I add my SSH identities in the reverse order and run the same code above, Bitbucket reports I'm using my work user. Running ssh-add -l from my work server, I see that both SSH keys are being forwarded, but isn't that the job of IdentitiesOnly yes?

Really confused as to what's going on here.

like image 470
Marcus McLean Avatar asked Apr 01 '16 18:04

Marcus McLean

People also ask

Is ssh-agent forwarding safe?

Agent forwarding comes with a risk When you forward ssh-agent 's Unix domain socket to a remote host, it creates a security risk: anyone with root access on the remote host can discreetly access your local SSH agent through the socket. They can use your keys to impersonate you on other machines on the network.

What is IdentitiesOnly in SSH?

Commonly used when keys are not stored in the default location for whatever reason. IdentitiesOnly - Often used with IdentityFile , this option tells the ssh client exactly which key to present and forgo any keys in ~/. ssh or the ssh-agent.

How do I enable SSH key forwarding?

From the configuration, go to Connection > SSH > Auth and enable “Allow agent forwarding.” You can also add your private key file from the same pane. PuTTY will handle the SSH agent for you, so you don't have to mess around with any config files.

2 Answers

Really confused as to what's going on here.

ForwardAgent option forwards the connection to your agent, with all the keys inside and does not forward your local ~/.ssh/config to remote host. What you do on the work host is controlled by your configuration on that host.

What are you trying to do with that?

like image 103
Jakuje Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 12:10


You need to update your ssh keys with their equivalent bitbucket account first at their website (work user with work_rsa, user with user_rsa). Then maybe this could help.

Host                bitbucket-work
HostName            bitbucket.org
IdentitiesOnly      yes
IdentityFile        ~/.ssh/work_rsa
User                work


ssh bitbucket-work


like image 24
Jonathan Ramos Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 13:10

Jonathan Ramos