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SQLPlus - spooling to multiple files from PL/SQL blocks

I have a query that returns a lot of data into a CSV file. So much, in fact, that Excel can't open it - there are too many rows. Is there a way to control spool to spool to a new file everytime 65000 rows have been processed? Ideally, I'd like to have my output in files named in sequence, such as large_data_1.csv, large_data_2.csv, large_data_3.csv, etc...

I could use dbms_output in a PL/SQL block to control how many rows are output, but then how would I switch files, as spool does not seem to be accessible from PL/SQL blocks?

(Oracle 10g)


I don't have access to the server, so writing files to the server would probably not work.


Some of the fields contain free-form text, including linebreaks, so counting line breaks AFTER the file is written is not as easy as counting records WHILE the data is being returned...

like image 444
FrustratedWithFormsDesigner Avatar asked Apr 13 '10 13:04


3 Answers

Got a solution, don't know why I didn't think of this sooner...

The basic idea is that the master sqplplus script generates an intermediate script that will split the output to multiple files. Executing the intermediate script will execute multiple queries with different ranges imposed on rownum, and spool to a different file for each query.

set termout off
set serveroutput on
set echo off
set feedback off
variable v_rowCount number;
spool intermediate_file.sql
     i number := 0;
     v_fileNum number := 1;
     v_range_start number := 1;
     v_range_end number := 1;
     k_max_rows constant number := 65536;
    select count(*) 
    into :v_err_count
    from ...
    /* You don't need to see the details of the query... */

    while i <= :v_err_count loop

          v_range_start := i+1;
          if v_range_start <= :v_err_count then
            i := i+k_max_rows;
            v_range_end := i;

            dbms_output.put_line('set colsep ,  
set pagesize 0
set trimspool on 
set headsep off
set feedback off
set echo off
set termout off
set linesize 4000
spool large_data_file_'||v_fileNum||'.csv
select data_string
from (select rownum rn, data_object
      /* Details of query omitted */
where rn >= '||v_range_start||' and rn <= '||v_range_end||';
spool off');
          v_fileNum := v_fileNum +1;
         end if;
    end loop;
spool off
prompt     executing intermediate file
set serveroutput off
like image 121
FrustratedWithFormsDesigner Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 21:09


Try this for a pure SQL*Plus solution...

set pagesize 0
set trimspool on  
set headsep off 
set feedback off
set echo off 
set verify off
set timing off
set linesize 4000

DEFINE rows_per_file = 50

-- Create an sql file that will create the individual result files

SPOOL c:\temp\generate_one.sql

PROMPT COLUMN which_dynamic NEW_VALUE dynamic_filename

PROMPT SELECT 'c:\temp\run_#'||TO_CHAR( &1, 'fm000' )||'_result.txt' which_dynamic FROM dual

PROMPT SPOOL &dynamic_filename

PROMPT   FROM ( SELECT a.*, rownum rnum
PROMPT            FROM ( SELECT object_id FROM all_objects ORDER BY object_id ) a
PROMPT           WHERE rownum <= ( &2 * 50 ) )
PROMPT  WHERE rnum >= ( ( &3 - 1 ) * 50 ) + 1




-- Define variable to hold number of rows
-- returned by the query
COLUMN num_rows NEW_VALUE v_num_rows

-- Find out how many rows there are to be
SELECT COUNT(*) num_rows
  FROM ( SELECT LEVEL num_files FROM dual CONNECT BY LEVEL <= 120 );

-- Create a master file with the correct number of sql files
SPOOL c:\temp\run_all.sql

SELECT '@c:\temp\generate_one.sql '||TO_CHAR( num_files )
                                   ||' '||TO_CHAR( num_files )
                                   ||' '||TO_CHAR( num_files ) file_name
  FROM ( SELECT LEVEL num_files 
           FROM dual 
        CONNECT BY LEVEL <= CEIL( &v_num_rows / &rows_per_file ) )


-- Now run them all
like image 37
PaulJ Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 21:09


Use split on the resulting file.

like image 34
Vincent Malgrat Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 21:09

Vincent Malgrat