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sqlite3: near "." : syntax error




I have two tables already created:

create table movies(id integer, name text, score integer);
create table cast(movie_id integer, cast_id integer, cast_name text);

I need the first 10 (distinct, alphabetically by cast_name) cast members and their average movie scores, so I tried:

select movie_id,cast_id,cast_name,id,score from cast,movies 
where movies.id=cast.movie_id and cast_name in 
(select distinct cast_name from cast order by cast_name limit 10);

But then I got an error message: near "." : syntax error

After that, I tried to make it simpler:

select cast_name, score from cast,movies where movies.id=cast.movie_id;

I still got the same error.

I guess this might be because '.' is a special command in sqlite3, but cannot figure out how to solve this problem.

Any help will be appreciated.

like image 677
Billy Wang Avatar asked Jan 25 '14 21:01

Billy Wang

1 Answers

cast is a reserved word. The list of reserved words is here.

select cast_name, score
from `cast` c join
     movies m
     on m.id = c.movie_id;

You can escape it using backticks or double quotes. This query uses table aliases to simplify the query and more modern syntax for the join.

like image 173
Gordon Linoff Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 23:11

Gordon Linoff