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sqlite3 create database with callback using Node




I've searched on how to create a sqlite3 database with a callback in Node.js and have not been able to find any links. Can someone point me towards documentation or provide a 2-3 line code sample to achieve the following:

  • Create a sqlite3 database and catch an error if the creation fails for any reason.

Here is what I've tried:

     let dbCreate = new sqlite3.Database("./user1.db", sqlite3.OPEN_CREATE, function(err){

           logger.infoLog("Successfully created DB file: " + dbFileForUser + " for user: " + username );
        } else {
           logger.infoLog("Failed to create DB file: " + dbFileForUser + ". Error: " + err );

     dbHandler[username]  = dbCreate;

When I execute this, I get the following error: "Failed to create DB file: ./database/user1.db. Error: Error: SQLITE_MISUSE: bad parameter or other API misuse"

This call without callback works just fine.

var customDB = new sqlite3.Database("./custom.db", sqlite3.OPEN_READWRITE | sqlite3.OPEN_CREATE);

But in this, I will not know if I run into any errors while creating the Database.

like image 703
Curious101 Avatar asked Jul 05 '18 05:07


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To connect to an SQLite database, you need to: First, import the sqlite3 module. Second, call the Database() function of the sqlite3 module and pass the database information such as database file, opening mode, and a callback function.

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To create a new database in SQLite you need to specify databases when opening SQLite, or open an existing file using . open . You can use the . database command to see a list of existing databases.

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sqlite3.verbose()Sets the execution mode to verbose to produce long stack traces. There is no way to reset this. See the wiki page on debugging for more information.

1 Answers

Try this:

let userDB = new sqlite3.Database("./user1.db", 
    sqlite3.OPEN_READWRITE | sqlite3.OPEN_CREATE, 
    (err) => { 
        // do your thing 


like image 177
Irvin Sandoval Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 20:09

Irvin Sandoval