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SQLite VARCHAR default size



In SQLite, when I say:

CREATE TABLE my_table  (     my_column VARCHAR  ); 

without specifying the size of VARCHAR, what is the default size that is used?

I can't seem to find it at sqlite.org or figure out from my database file.

I know that SQLite doesn't enforce size when trying to stuff varchar(500) into varchar(30), but are there tradeoffs in initial size specification and what are best practices?

like image 373
Turar Avatar asked Jan 24 '11 23:01


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2 Answers

It doesn't matter.

SQLite does not use sizes when declaring the VARCHAR type. In fact, it almost doesn't use the type either.

You can store TEXT in an INT column in SQLite. And SQLite will never truncate a TEXT column.

like image 95
Larry Lustig Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 19:10

Larry Lustig

From what I can gather, VARCHAR is the same as TEXT


Also see http://www.sqlite.org/different.html#flex

like image 43
hlindset Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 19:10
