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Sqlite Query Optimization (using Limit and Offset)



Following is the query that I use for getting a fixed number of records from a database with millions of records:-

select * from myTable LIMIT 100 OFFSET 0

What I observed is, if the offset is very high like say 90000, then it takes more time for the query to execute. Following is the time difference between 2 queries with different offsets:

select * from myTable LIMIT 100 OFFSET 0       //Execution Time is less than 1sec
select * from myTable LIMIT 100 OFFSET 95000   //Execution Time is almost 15secs

Can anyone suggest me how to optimize this query? I mean, the Query Execution Time should be same and fast for any number of records I wish to retrieve from any OFFSET.

Newly Added:- The actual scenario is that I have got a database having > than 1 million records. But since it's an embedded device, I just can't do "select * from myTable" and then fetch all the records from the query. My device crashes. Instead what I do is I keep fetching records batch by batch (batch size = 100 or 1000 records) as per the query mentioned above. But as i mentioned, it becomes slow as the offset increases. So, my ultimate aim is that I want to read all the records from the database. But since I can't fetch all the records in a single execution, I need some other efficient way to achieve this.

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Satya Prakash Panigrahi Avatar asked Sep 04 '12 14:09

Satya Prakash Panigrahi

People also ask

Does SQLite have a query optimizer?

The query optimizer in SQLite has basically two choices on how to implement this query. (There are actually six different choices, but we will only consider two of them here.) Pseudocode below demonstrating these two choices. The same indexes are used to speed up every loop in both implementation options.

Does SQLite support offset?

SQLite Limit: In the LIMIT clause, you can select a specific number of rows starting from a specific position using the OFFSET clause. For example, “LIMIT 4 OFFSET 4” will ignore the first 4 rows, and returned 4 rows starting from the fifth rows, so you will get rows 5,6,7, and 8.

Does SQLite support limit?

SQLite can have a maximum database size of 140 terabytes (TB). A SQLite database is a set of one more pages where every page is the same size. Maximum size of a page cannot exceed 65536 bytes. The maximum size of a database file is 2147483646 pages.

1 Answers

As JvdBerg said, indexes are not used in LIMIT/OFFSET. Simply adding 'ORDER BY indexed_field' will not help too.

To speed up pagination you should avoid LIMIT/OFFSET and use WHERE clause instead. For example, if your primary key field is named 'id' and has no gaps, than your code above can be rewritten like this:

SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE id>=0     AND id<100     //very fast!
SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE id>=95000 AND id<95100   //as fast as previous line!
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user318750 Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 07:11
