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SQLite export with column names


Is there any SQLite command or third-party tool that allows database dumps to include column names in the INSERT INTO statements?

Instead of

INSERT INTO "MyTable" VALUES ('A', 'B'); 

I'd like to see

INSERT INTO "MyTable" (Column1, Column2) VALUES ('A', 'B'); 

The .dump command in SQLite only offers the first version.

like image 813
kpozin Avatar asked Nov 16 '10 22:11


People also ask

How do I get a list of column names in SQLite?

To get the name of the columns from a sqlite database table we can use the standard Sql query PRAGMA table_info(table_name) . This is the Sql statement that returns all the information of the sqlite database.

1 Answers

Let me take another crack at this.

Dump column names and INSERT statements to a file.

sqlite> .output test.data sqlite> pragma table_info(test); sqlite> .dump test sqlite> .quit  $ cat test.data 0|test_id|int|0||1 1|test_name|varchar(35)|0||0 PRAGMA foreign_keys=OFF; BEGIN TRANSACTION; CREATE TABLE test (test_id int primary key, test_name varchar(35)); INSERT INTO "test" VALUES(1,'Wibble'); INSERT INTO "test" VALUES(2,'Wobble'); INSERT INTO "test" VALUES(3,'Pernicious'); COMMIT; 

Now run this awk script

/\|/ {   split($0, col_name, "|");   column_names[++n] = col_name[2]; } /INSERT INTO \"[A-Za-z].*\"/ {   insert_part = match($0, /INSERT INTO \"[A-Za-z].*\"/);   printf("%s ", substr($0, RSTART, RLENGTH));    printf("(");   for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {     if (i == 1) {       printf("%s", column_names[i]);     }     else {       printf(", %s", column_names[i]);     }   }   printf(") ");    values_part = substr($0, RLENGTH+1, length($0) - RSTART);   printf("%s\n", values_part);   } 

And we get

$ awk -f dump_with_col_names.awk test.data INSERT INTO "test" (test_id, test_name)  VALUES(1,'Wibble'); INSERT INTO "test" (test_id, test_name)  VALUES(2,'Wobble'); INSERT INTO "test" (test_id, test_name)  VALUES(3,'Pernicious'); 
like image 190
Mike Sherrill 'Cat Recall' Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 01:09

Mike Sherrill 'Cat Recall'