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SQLite: bind list of values to "WHERE col IN ( :PRM )"

all I want to do is send a query like

SELECT * FROM table WHERE col IN (110, 130, 90);

So I prepared the following statement

SELECT * FROM table WHERE col IN (:LST);

Then I use

sqlite_bind_text(stmt, 1, "110, 130, 90", -1, SQLITE_STATIC);

Unfortunately this becomes

SELECT * FROM table WHERE col IN ('110, 130, 90');

and is useless (note the two additional single quotes). I already tried putting extra ' in the string but they get escaped. I didn't find an option to turn off the escaping or prevent the text from being enclosed by single quotes. The last thing I can think of is not using a prepared statement, but I'd only take it as last option. Do you have any ideas or suggestions?



The number of parameters is dynamic, so it might be three numbers, as in the example above, one or twelve.

like image 533
Sebastian Avatar asked Jan 25 '11 00:01


2 Answers

You can dynamically build a parameterized SQL statement of the form


and then call sqlite_bind_int once for each "?" you added to the statement.

There is no way to directly bind a text parameter to multiple integer (or, for that matter, multiple text) parameters.

Here's pseudo code for what I have in mind:

-- Args is an array of parameter values
for i = Lo(Args) to Hi(Args)
   paramlist = paramlist + ', ?'

sql = 'SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE col IN (' + Right(paramlist, 3)  + ')'

for i = Lo(Args) to Hi(Args)
  sql_bind_int(sql, i, Args[i]

-- execute query here.
like image 158
Larry Lustig Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 23:09

Larry Lustig

I just faced this question myself, but answered it by creating a temporary table and inserting all the values into that, so that I could then do:

SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE col IN (SELECT col FROM temporarytable);
like image 33
hatfinch Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 23:09
