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SQLite auto-increment non-primary key field

Is it possible to have a non-primary key to be auto-incremented with every insertion?

For example, I want to have a log, where every log entry has a primary key (for internal use), and a revision number ( a INT value that I want to be auto-incremented).

As a workaround, this could be done with a sequence, yet I believe that sequences are not supported in SQLite.

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iliaden Avatar asked Aug 08 '11 12:08


People also ask

Can you auto increment a non primary key?

There can be only one AUTO_INCREMENT column per table, it must be indexed, and it cannot have a DEFAULT value. So you can indeed have an AUTO_INCREMENT column in a table that is not the primary key.

Does SQLite support auto increment?

SQLite AUTOINCREMENT is a keyword used for auto incrementing a value of a field in the table. We can auto increment a field value by using AUTOINCREMENT keyword when creating a table with specific column name to auto increment.

How does auto increment work in SQLite?

AUTOINCREMENT guarantees that automatically chosen ROWIDs will be increasing but not that they will be sequential. Because AUTOINCREMENT keyword changes the behavior of the ROWID selection algorithm, AUTOINCREMENT is not allowed on WITHOUT ROWID tables or on any table column other than INTEGER PRIMARY KEY.

When you insert a new row into a SQLite database it automatically generates a value for?

If you don't specify the rowid value or you use a NULL value when you insert a new row, SQLite automatically assigns the next sequential integer, which is one larger than the largest rowid in the table. The rowid value starts at 1.

2 Answers

You can do select max(id)+1 when you do the insertion.

For example:

INSERT INTO Log (id, rev_no, description) VALUES ((SELECT MAX(id) + 1 FROM log), 'rev_Id', 'some description')

Note that this will fail on an empty table since there won't be a record with id is 0 but you can either add a first dummy entry or change the sql statement to this:

INSERT INTO Log (id, rev_no, description) VALUES ((SELECT IFNULL(MAX(id), 0) + 1 FROM Log), 'rev_Id', 'some description')

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Icarus Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 13:09


SQLite creates a unique row id (rowid) automatically. This field is usually left out when you use "select * ...", but you can fetch this id by using "select rowid,* ...". Be aware that according to the SQLite documentation, they discourage the use of autoincrement.

create table myTable ( code text, description text ); insert into myTable values ( 'X', 'some descr.' ); select rowid, * from myTable; 

:: Result will be; 1|X|some descr.

If you use this id as a foreign key, you can export rowid - AND import the correct value in order to keep data integrity;

insert into myTable values( rowid, code text, description text ) values ( 1894, 'X', 'some descr.' ); 
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ZNorQ Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 13:09