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SQLAlchemy with Python 3.2: C extensions are not supported?



I've installed SQLAlchemy under Python 3.2.2 and saw e message in command prompt:

C extensions are not supported on this Python platform, speedups are not enabled.
Plain-Python build succeeded.

But in docs:

The C extensions as well as Python 3 builds are supported.

How could it be?

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Vitalii Ponomar Avatar asked Dec 25 '11 13:12

Vitalii Ponomar

2 Answers

English ambiguity.

{The C extensions} and {Python 3 builds} individually are supported.

{The C extensions and Python 3 builds} together are not supported:

Later in the doc:

Currently, the extensions are only supported on the 2.xx series of cPython, not Python 3 or Pypy

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bobince Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 21:11


WARNING: C extensions are not supported on this Python platform, speedups are not enabled. Plain-Python build succeeded.

The patch was written before Dec 25 '11 and it's still not implemented almost 2 years later.... boo hiss!

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Colin Williams Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 21:11

Colin Williams