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SQLAlchemy: Relation table with composite primary key

I have a set of tables that look like:

workflows = Table('workflows', Base.metadata,
                  Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),

actions = Table('actions', Base.metadata,
                Column('name', String, primary_key=True),
                Column('workflow_id', Integer, ForeignKey(workflows.c.id), primary_key=True),

action_dependencies = Table('action_dependencies', Base.metadata,
                            Column('workflow_id', Integer, ForeignKey(workflows.c.id), primary_key=True),
                            Column('parent_action', String, ForeignKey(actions.c.name), primary_key=True),
                            Column('child_action', String, ForeignKey(actions.c.name), primary_key=True),

My ORM classes look like:

class Workflow(Base):
    __table__ = workflows

    actions = relationship("Action", order_by="Action.name", backref="workflow")

class Action(Base):
    __table__ = actions

    children = relationship("Action",
                            primaryjoin=actions.c.name == action_dependencies.c.parent_action,
                            secondaryjoin=actions.c.name == action_dependencies.c.child_action,

So in my system, each action is uniquely identified by a combination of a workflow id and its name. I'd like each action to have parents and children attribute that refers its parent and child actions. Each action can have multiple parents and children.

The problem occurs when I have a function such as :

def set_parents(session, workflow_id, action_name, parents):
    action = session.query(db.Action).filter(db.Action.workflow_id == workflow.id).filter(db.Action.name == action_name).one()

    for parent_name in parents:
        parent = session.query(db.Action).filter(db.Action.workflow_id == workflow.id).filter(db.Action.name == parent_name).one()


I get an error like:

IntegrityError: (IntegrityError) action_dependencies.workflow_id may not be NULL u'INSERT INTO action_dependencies (parent_action, child_action) VALUES (?, ?)' (u'directory_creator', u'packing')

How do I get the relationship to set the workflow_id correctly?

like image 392
Kamil Kisiel Avatar asked May 09 '12 23:05

Kamil Kisiel

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To create a composite primary key, set primary_key to True on each column involved in the key. A boolean argument when set to False adds NOT NULL constraint while creating a column. Its default value is True .

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¶ The SQLAlchemy ORM, in order to map to a particular table, needs there to be at least one column denoted as a primary key column; multiple-column, i.e. composite, primary keys are of course entirely feasible as well.

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1 Answers

See below working code. The key points are those I mentioned in the comments:

  • proper composite ForeignKeys
  • correct relationship configuration using the FKs


workflows = Table('workflows', Base.metadata,
                  Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),

actions = Table('actions', Base.metadata,
                Column('workflow_id', Integer, ForeignKey(workflows.c.id), primary_key=True),
                Column('name', String, primary_key=True),

action_dependencies = Table('action_dependencies', Base.metadata,
                            Column('workflow_id', Integer, ForeignKey(workflows.c.id), primary_key=True),
                            Column('parent_action', String, ForeignKey(actions.c.name), primary_key=True),
                            Column('child_action', String, ForeignKey(actions.c.name), primary_key=True),
                            ForeignKeyConstraint(['workflow_id', 'parent_action'], ['actions.workflow_id', 'actions.name']),
                            ForeignKeyConstraint(['workflow_id', 'child_action'], ['actions.workflow_id', 'actions.name']),
class Workflow(Base):
    __table__ = workflows
    actions = relationship("Action", order_by="Action.name", backref="workflow")

class Action(Base):
    __table__ = actions
    children = relationship("Action",
                            primaryjoin=and_(actions.c.name == action_dependencies.c.parent_action,
                                actions.c.workflow_id == action_dependencies.c.workflow_id),
                            secondaryjoin=and_(actions.c.name == action_dependencies.c.child_action,
                                actions.c.workflow_id == action_dependencies.c.workflow_id),

# create db schema

# create entities
w_1 = Workflow()
w_2 = Workflow()
a_11 = Action(name="ac-11", workflow=w_1)
a_12 = Action(name="ac-12", workflow=w_1)
a_21 = Action(name="ac-21", workflow=w_2)
a_22 = Action(name="ac-22", workflow=w_2)
print '-'*80

# helper functions
def get_workflow(id):
    return session.query(Workflow).get(id)
def get_action(name):
    return session.query(Action).filter_by(name=name).one()

# test another OK
a_11 = get_action("ac-11")
a_12 = get_action("ac-12")
print '-'*80

a_11 = get_action("ac-11")
a_22 = get_action("ac-22")
print '-'*80
like image 64
van Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 19:10
