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sqlalchemy Oracle schema

I should extract data from an oracle database. How can I find out which schema are defined in the database? When I do not define any schema in the description of Metadata(), I find no tables. thanks for your help,

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user1711699 Avatar asked Oct 01 '12 12:10


People also ask

Can SQLAlchemy connect to Oracle?

Connecting to an Autonomous Database using DSN in SQLAlchemyOracle DB's Python driver - cx_Oracle - is used along with SQLAlchemy for connecting to the Oracle ADB. The cx_Oracle installation instructions are available here. The other files in the ZIP are not needed for the Oracle Python driver (cx_Oracle).

What is schema in SQLAlchemy?

SQLAlchemy schema metadata is a comprehensive system of describing and inspecting database schemas. The core of SQLAlchemy's query and object mapping operations is supported by database metadata.

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Sqlalchemy create_all method is used to create a new table into the database. This method will first check whether the table exists in the database or not if suppose it has found an existing table it will not create any table.

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Metadata contains definitions of tables and associated objects such as index, view, triggers, etc. Hence an object of MetaData class from SQLAlchemy Metadata is a collection of Table objects and their associated schema constructs.

2 Answers

Default Oracle schema matches the username that was used in Oracle connection. If you don't see any tables - it means the tables are created in another schema.

Looks like you have two questions here:

1) about Oracle schemas - how to find schema and tables in Oracle

2) about SQLAlchemy reflections - how to specify Oracle schema for table

You can find answer for the first question in many places. I.e. here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/2247758/1296661

Answering second question: Table class constructor has schema argument to specify table's schema if it is different from default user's schema. See more here http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/rel_0_7/core/schema.html#sqlalchemy.schema.Table

Here is the python code to answer second question. You will need to setup db connection and table name values to match your case:

from sqlalchemy import Table
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base

from sqlalchemy import create_engine
engine = create_engine('oracle://<user_name>:<password>@<hostname>:1521/<instance name>', echo=True)
Base = declarative_base()

reflected_table = Table('<Table name>', 
    schema='<Schema name other then user_name>')
print [c.name for c in reflected_table.columns]

p = engine.execute("SELECT OWNER,count(*) table_count FROM ALL_OBJECTS WHERE OBJECT_TYPE = 'TABLE' GROUP BY OWNER");

for r in p:
    print r

Good luck with using sqlschema and reflection feature - it is a lot of fun. You get your python program working with existing database almost without defining schema information in your program.

I'm using this feature with oracle db in production - the only thing I have to define were relations between tables explicitly setting foreign and primary keys.

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vvladymyrov Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 18:09


I found two other ways to set an alternate Oracle schema.

Using MetaData and passing it into the creation of the SqlAlchemy instance or engine.

Or using __table_args__ when defining your models and pass in {'schema': 'other_schema' }


How to specify PostgreSQL schema in SQLAlchemy column/foreign key mixin?

But both of these don't help the foreign key calls. For those, you still have to manually prefix with other_schema. before the table name.

The snippet below is in the context of a Flask app with Flask-SqlAlchemy in use.

from sqlalchemy import schema
from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy
import os

os.environ['TNS_ADMIN'] = os.path.join( 'oracle_tools', 'network', 'admin')

oracle_connection_string = 'oracle+cx_oracle://{username}:{password}@{tnsname}'.format(

oracle_schema = 'user_schema_1'
foreign_key_prefix = oracle_schema + '.'

app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = oracle_connection_string 

oracle_db_metadata = schema.MetaData(schema=oracle_schema)
db = SQLAlchemy(app, metadata=oracle_db_metadata)

user_groups_table = db.Table(db_table_prefix + 'user_groups', db.Model.metadata,
                             db.Column('...', db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(foreign_key_prefix + 'group.id')),
                             # schema=oracle_schema #  Not necessary because of the use of MetaData above

class User(db.Model):
    __tablename__ = 'user'
    # __table_args__ = {'schema': oracle_schema } # Not necessary because of the use of MetaData above
    user_name = db.Column('USER_NAME', db.String(250))

And... two other related links:


How to specify PostgreSQL schema in SQLAlchemy column/foreign key mixin?

Hope that helps.

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phyatt Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 18:09
