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SQLALCHEMY ignore accents on query

Considering my users can save data as "café" or "cafe", I need to be able to search on that fields with an accent-insensitive query.

I've found https://github.com/djcoin/django-unaccent/, but I have no idea if it is possible to implement something similar on sqlalchemy.

I'm using PostgreSQL, so if the solution is specific to this database is good to me. If it is generic solution, it is much much better.

Thanks for your help.

like image 563
guinunez Avatar asked Aug 25 '13 21:08


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2 Answers

First install the unaccess extension in PostgreSQL: create extension unaccent;

Next, declare the SQL function unaccent in Python:

from sqlalchemy.sql.functions import ReturnTypeFromArgs

class unaccent(ReturnTypeFromArgs):

and use it like this:

for place in session.query(Place).filter(unaccent(Place.name) == "cafe").all():
    print place.name

Make sure you have the correct indexes if you have a large table, otherwise this will result in a full table scan.

like image 72
chlunde Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 21:10


A simple and database agnostic solution is to write the field(s) that can have accents twice, once with and once without accents. Then you can conduct your searches on the unaccented version.

To generate the unaccented vesrsion of a string you can use Unidecode.

To automatically assign the unaccented version to the database when a record is inserted or updated you can use the default and onupdate clauses in the Column definition. For example, using Flask-SQLAlchemy you could do something like this:

from unidecode import unidecode
def unaccent(context):
    return unidecode(context.current_parameters['some_string'])

class MyModel(db.Model):
    id = Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
    some_string = db.Column(db.String(128))
    some_string_unaccented = db.Column(db.String(128), default=unaccent, onupdate=unaccent, index=True)

Note how I only indexed the unaccented field, because that is the one on which the searches will be made.

Of course before you can search you also have to unaccent the value you are searching for. For example:

def search(text):
    return MyModel.query.filter_by(some_string_unaccented = unaccent(text)).all()

You can apply the same technique to full text search, if necessary.

like image 23
Miguel Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 21:10
