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SQLAlchemy getting column data types of query results

from sqlalchemy import create_engine, MetaData, ForeignKey

engine = create_engine("mysql://user:passwd@localhost/shema", echo=False)
meta = MetaData(engine, True)
conn = engine.connect()

tb_list = meta.tables["tb_list"]
tb_data = meta.tables["tb_data"]

tb_list.c.i_data.append_foreign_key( ForeignKey(tb_data.c.i_id) )

q = tb_list.outerjoin(tb_data).select()

res = conn.execute(q)

And now, how can I get columns type of query result res

One of decisions:

res._key_cache[ col_name ][0]

Do you know something else ?

like image 617
user272432 Avatar asked Feb 13 '10 15:02


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To access the column names we can use the method keys() on the result. It returns a list of column names. Since, we queried only three columns, we can view the same columns on the output as well.

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1 Answers

you'd say:

types = [col.type for col in q.columns]

the (compiled) statement is on the result too if you feel like digging:

types = [col.type for col in res.context.compiled.statement.columns]

if you want the DBAPI version of the types, which is a little more varied based on DBAPI:

types = [elem[1] for elem in res.cursor.description]

maybe we'll look into adding this kind of metadata more directly to the ResultProxy.

like image 65
zzzeek Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 18:09
