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SQLAlchemy filter on list attribute

I have the following model defined with Flask-SQLAlchemy:


from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy

db = SQLAlchemy()

skill_candidate = db.Table(
    db.Column('skill_id', db.String, db.ForeignKey('skill.id')),
    db.Column('candidate_id', db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('candidate.id')))

class Candidate(db.Model):
    id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
    skills = db.relationship("Skill", secondary=skill_candidate)

class Skill(db.Model):
    id = db.Column(db.String, primary_key=True)
    name = db.Column(db.String, nullable=False, unique=True)

What am trying to achieve is the following : I want to return all the candidates who possess skills provided in a list input (even ideally, a list of skill_id)

I tried the following :

def get_skilled_candidates(skill_ids):
    return Candidate.query.join(skill_candidate).\
       filter(and_(*[skill_candidate.c.skill_id == skill_id for skill_id in skill_ids])).\

The aim was to filter all candidates for every skill and compose it with a and_ statement

It works well if I use a list of 1 item (it returns all candidates that possess the skill) but does not if I add more skills in the input list (even tho I have candidates in base that fit the criteria)

like image 879
AugBar Avatar asked Sep 24 '19 12:09


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Video Answer

2 Answers

As noted in the comments, what you'd need is a FORALL operation (universal quantifier), or relational division.

FORALL x ( p(x) )

can be expressed as

NOT ( EXISTS x ( NOT ( p(x) ) ) )

which is a bit unwieldy and hard to reason about, if you don't know about FORALL and their relationship. Given your models it could look like:

def get_skilled_candidates(skill_ids):
    # Form a temporary derived table using unions
    skills = db.union_all(*[
        for sid in skill_ids]).alias()

    return Candidate.query.\
                    where(db.and_(skill_candidate.c.skill_id == skills.c.skill_id,
                                  skill_candidate.c.candidate_id == Candidate.id)).

There are of course other ways to express the same query, such as:

def get_skilled_candidates(skill_ids):
    return Candidate.query.\
        having(db.func.count(skill_candidate.c.skill_id.distinct()) ==

which essentially checks by count that all skill ids were matched.

If using Postgresql you could also do:

from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import array_agg

def get_skilled_candidates(skill_ids):
    # The double filtering may seem redundant, but the WHERE ... IN allows
    # the query to use indexes, while the HAVING ... @> does the final filtering.
    return Candidate.query.\

This is somewhat equivalent with the partly Python solution from the other answer.

Also, the aggregate EVERY could be used:

def get_skilled_candidates(skill_ids):
    # Form a temporary derived table using unions
    skills = db.union_all(*[
        for sid in skill_ids]).alias()

    # Perform a CROSS JOIN between candidate and skills
    return Candidate.query.\
        join(skills, db.true()).\
                where(db.and_(skill_candidate.c.skill_id == skills.c.skill_id,
                              skill_candidate.c.candidate_id == Candidate.id)).
like image 58
Ilja Everilä Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 22:11

Ilja Everilä

You could query all candidates with any of the skills in your list and then filter the result with a list comprehension. This may not be as performant as the relational division approach mentioned by @IljaEverilä, but it certainly simplifies the query aspect.

skill_ids = ['id_1', 'id_2']
candidates = session.query(Candidate).\

candidates = [
    c for c in candidates
    if set(s.id for s in c.skills).issuperset(skill_ids)
like image 39
benvc Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 23:11
