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SQLAlchemy: filter many-to-one relationship where the one object has a list containing a specific value

I have some tables like this:

class Genre(db.Model):
    id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
    name = db.Column(db.String(128), index=True)
    artist_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('artist.id'))

class Song(db.Model):
    id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
    name = db.Column(db.String(128), index=True)
    artist = db.relationship('Artist', uselist=False)
    artist_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('artist.id'))

class Artist(db.Model):
    id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
    name = db.Column(db.String(128), index=True)
    genres = db.relationship('Genre')
    songs = db.relationship('Song')

So basically, Songs have one Artist. And each Artist can have multiple Genres.

I am trying to get all Songs by any Artist whose list of Genre's contains a Genre by a specific name. I did some researching, and I found something very close:


This will sort of work, but not for all cases. For example, the above statement will also return all Songs with Artists who have the Genre 'indie rock'. How can I specify that I don't want the Genre name to be in a list of values, but to be a specific value?


is also not possible because it is a keyword expression.

Any ideas?

like image 444
Jakeway Avatar asked Jan 15 '16 05:01


2 Answers

With this test data:

# Test Data
artists = [
        name='should match rock',
        genres=[Genre(name='rock'), Genre(name='pop')],
        songs=[Song(name='love'), Song(name='hate')]
        name='should NOT match',
        genres=[Genre(name='indie rock')],


Query below should do what you want:

q = Song.query.filter(Song.artist.has(Artist.genres.any(Genre.name == 'rock')))
assert len(q.all()) == 2
like image 196
van Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 03:10


After some more research, I found out one way to approach this problem, although a bit differently than what I wanted.

First, to get all the Artists that contain a specific Genre, I executed:

artists = Artist.query.filter(

Then, I iterated through each Artist, and queried the Song model by using the artist as a keyword expression in the filter, like so:

for a in artist:
    most_common_genre_songs = Song.query.filter_by(artist=a).all()

I am not sure if there is a more efficient way to make this call, or do it in a one-liner (I'm betting there is), but for now, this will do.

like image 2
Jakeway Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 01:10
