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Sqlalchemy delete subquery

I am trying to delete some child rows using a filtered query without result:

sl = DBSession.query(Puesto.id).filter(Puesto.locales_id == id).subquery() DBSession.query(Servicio).filter(Servicio.puestos_id.in_(sl)).delete() 

I am getting InvalidRequestError: Could not evaluate current criteria in Python. Specify 'fetch' or False for the synchronize_session parameter. as error.

Full stack trace:

Traceback (most recent call last):   File "/usr/src/tg2env/ceaf/ceaf/controllers/root.py", line 1673, in delete_local     DBSession.query(Servicio).filter(Servicio.puestos_id.in_(sl)).delete()   File "/usr/src/tg2env/lib/python2.4/site-packages/SQLAlchemy-0.6.6-py2.4.egg/sqlalchemy/orm/query.py", line 2126, in delete     raise sa_exc.InvalidRequestError( InvalidRequestError: Could not evaluate current criteria in Python.  Specify 'fetch' or False for the synchronize_session parameter. 

I am not be able to find where the problem is...

Any idea?


like image 699
LooPer Avatar asked Oct 25 '11 16:10


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The grouping is done with the group_by() query method, which takes the column to use for the grouping as an argument, same as the GROUP BY counterpart in SQL. The statement ends by calling subquery() , which tells SQLAlchemy that our intention for this query is to use it inside a bigger query instead of on its own.

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1 Answers

After looking in the source where your exception occurs I suggest trying this:

sl = DBSession.query(Puesto.id).filter(Puesto.locales_id == id).subquery() DBSession.query(Servicio).filter(Servicio.puestos_id.in_(sl)) \ .delete(synchronize_session='fetch') 

See the documentation of the delete method for what this means. Passing the fetch argument will basically run the query twice, once as a select and once as a delete.

If running two queries is not desired, pass synchronize_session=False instead and then call session.expire_all() immediately after the delete to avoid having inconsistent state within the MetaData store.

like image 182
wberry Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 11:09
