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sqlalchemy: create relations but without foreign key constraint in db?

Since sqlalchemy.orm.relationship() already implies the relation, and I do not want to create a constraint in db. What should I do?

Currently I manually remove these constraints after alembic migrations.

like image 941
est Avatar asked Jun 14 '16 08:06


People also ask

Can you have a foreign key without a constraint?

Foreign Keys without the constraintsYou don't have to configure a foreign key constraint on a column just because it refers to another column. You could instead configure two tables such that one refers to the other, but without any defined foreign key.

What is foreign key in SQLAlchemy?

A foreign key in SQL is a table-level construct that constrains one or more columns in that table to only allow values that are present in a different set of columns, typically but not always located on a different table.

1 Answers

Instead of defining "schema" level ForeignKey constraints create a custom foreign condition; pass what columns you'd like to use as "foreign keys" and the primaryjoin to relationship. You have to manually define the primaryjoin because:

By default, this value is computed based on the foreign key relationships of the parent and child tables (or association table).

In [2]: class A(Base):    ...:     a_id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)    ...:     __tablename__ = 'a'    ...:       In [3]: class C(Base):    ...:     c_id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)    ...:     a_id = Column(Integer)    ...:     __tablename__ = 'c'    ...:     a = relationship('A', foreign_keys=[a_id],    ...:                      primaryjoin='A.a_id == C.a_id')    ...:      

Foreign keys can also be annotated inline in the primaryjoin using foreign():

a = relationship('A', primaryjoin='foreign(C.a_id) == A.a_id') 

You can verify that no FOREIGN KEY constraints are emitted for table c:

In [4]: from sqlalchemy.schema import CreateTable  In [5]: print(CreateTable(A.__table__))  CREATE TABLE a (         a_id INTEGER NOT NULL,          PRIMARY KEY (a_id) )    In [6]: print(CreateTable(C.__table__))  CREATE TABLE c (         c_id INTEGER NOT NULL,          a_id INTEGER,          PRIMARY KEY (c_id) ) 


Note that without a FOREIGN KEY constraint in place on the DB side you can blow your referential integrity to pieces any which way you want. There's a relationship at the ORM/application level, but it cannot be enforced in the DB.

like image 183
Ilja Everilä Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 08:10

Ilja Everilä