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SQL WHERE IN (...) sort by order of the list?

Let's say I have query a database with a where clause

WHERE _id IN (5,6,424,2)

Is there any way for the returned cursor to be sorted in the order that the _id's where listed in the list? _id attribute from first to last in Cursor to be 5, 6, 424, 2?

This happens to be on Android through a ContentProvider, but that's probably not relevant.

like image 343
cemulate Avatar asked Feb 25 '23 05:02


1 Answers

Select ID list using subquery and join with it:

select t1.*
from t1
inner join
  select 1 as id, 1 as num
  union all select 5, 2
  union all select 3, 3
) ids on t1.id = ids.id
order by ids.num

UPD: Code fixed

like image 164
oryol Avatar answered Mar 13 '23 01:03
